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Platypus Moon

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    candles soap

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  1. Sounds like he has just "assumed" some things, i know bigger companies we deal with will only wholesale to 1 or 2 shops per town so i guess he just assumes everyone does it that way?, i don't sell my soaps yet but put the feelers out to a shop in town to see if she was interested, she was but expected me to sell to her exclusively, i have a shop of my own and told her that No i would not sell to her exclusively BUT i would be prepared to make up soaps with Scents that where exclusive to her and put made exclusively for etc etc, maybe you could offer him a range of scents "exclusively" ? especially if he is a good buyer.
  2. Wonder if they have just added you to their personal email list instead of using the website based newsletter, can you block them at your end?
  3. All soaps are made with lye, and i doubt very much it was the cause of your reactions, more likely the Shea or Fragrance was the culprit, my neice has eczema and other allergies and has no problems using my "lye made" soap. "Soapy Myths The most common myth is that glycerin soap doesn’t contain lye. Yes it does. ALL soap contains lye. Lye is mixed with fats and water and in the case of melt & pour, other clarifying ingredients such as sugar, alcohol, propylene glycol and sorbitol. The soapy fact here is that once you purchase the glycerin soap base YOU don’t have to use any lye. And that’s what’s so appealing to us." http://www.allfreecrafts.com/homemade-gifts/glycerin-soap.shtml
  4. The best way to store them is wrapped in Saran (we call it glad wrap) that way no moisture can get in.
  5. I like it, it loads fast and is easy to navigate, the only thing i don't like is the extra scroll bar, on my screen i have to scroll both to get to the bottom.
  6. I think some people cover it in the mold with saran(think that's what you call it) to prevent "ash" forming on top.
  7. Do you have high humidity where you live? we do here and my MP soap sweated like that, i stopped using it for that reason.
  8. Hows it looking Patty have you let it out of the mold yet?
  9. I second the flying roach thing, i have had 2 of the dirty buggers fly at me when i was trying to kill them! They also like to eat soap of all things yuk.
  10. Was wondering that after i posted lol, what we call kiosks are the foody type shops. Those prices sound really high to me, and then do they take 10% of your sales ontop like some do?
  11. In Australia the big malls have open spaces in the middle that they rent out to "market like" stalls, i wonder do they have these sort of spaces there? i would imagine that would be a good way to put out "feelers" to see what sort of reception your products will get and be much cheaper?
  12. Great Aussie colours bet they smell as wonderful as they look! Tried to add your cut pics for you hope it works lol
  13. The cotton candy you might be able to save if you rebatch it. I agree with Carebear my first batch was a 100% olive oil with a smidge of colour, it's so tempting to do swirls and pretty things when you first start soaping especially after looking through the gallery and seeing all the gorgeous soaps but it really does pay to start with the basics. Also be aware that just because a FO says it can be used in CP soap doesn't mean it will behave for you, some will slow down trace some speed it up and others will just give you a headache going lumpy lol best to test every new FO in a small batch first. Do you use soap calculators? there's some really good ones on the net to run your numbers through to double check everything. HTH :smiley2:
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