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More Palm Pillars


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Thanks everyone for the lovely comments, and I am sure that Tracy will say something as well. As usual, she must take the credit for these. She doesn't do jars as they are too plain and boring for her. She has to get her creative fix and will constantly push the limits to come up with something interesting and different.

The only issue with pillars is the time involved in making them does not really make them cost effective for us to wholesale. We are thinking of only doing the pillars for markets and perhaps candle parties so that we can make a decent profit on them.

Anyway we shall see what happens over the next couple of months as we have to build up stock towards Christmas.

The other problem with pillars is that people are so used to getting a 3 x 6 inch pillar candle from the dollar store for about $4, so freak when they see one for close to $20, despite the fact that it is palm wax instead of parrafin and that the candles are scented right through and not just on the surface, and that ours will burn nicely for 100+ hours compared to the cheapies from China which will tunnel and give them a very short burn time.

Life is hard when there is so much cheap stuff on the market, although the people who do buy always come back for seconds which is great :)



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Richard, tell Tracy those are simply Beautiful! I will be on the next flight out to Sydney for candle home training. I have been working on palm wax container and pillar chunk candles. Those are nothing compared to what you are doing, but I understand what you mean about time consuming and the average consumer I don't think can appreciate what you put into your work. Once again, beautiful candles. Isn't palm wax fun? :yay::yay:


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Thanks everyone for having a look and commenting :)

Yes, palm IS so much fun!

I'm thinking of experimenting with the encaustic effect next.

I already have the tools to do that and I wondered whether or not you could actually get some of those lovely effects on the sides of square pillars?

It may end up a mess, lol, but I'm going to give it a try!


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