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Hey everyone I'm getting back into biz again after a long break! I need a website and I'm using paypal........at least I think I am! That's what I have now and know how to use. I need EASY! Well, and cheap but nice. I will have several items and need drop down boxes for scents. I need shipping via usps and sales tax calculators. What is great out there? Please send me your websites if you think yours is super terrific! Or Facebook me! Victoria Jeffers Parr



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I use internet based family

It was really easy to set up, you can try it for free for 10 days.

I take payment via PayPal AND credit cards.

After using it for over a year, there are some things that could be changed but they aren't deal breakers; a) I'd like to be able to mass edit my shopping cart and I can't B) I'd like to have a "catalog" page without having prices (currently my scent list is a catalog page) and can't.

Check them out, they aren't bad.

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Try Designer 218. The service is unbeatable. I have been with them since they opened and they have went above and beyond to provide excellent services. No I am not the owner but I know the owner. LOL. I am pretty sure there are several other people who use D218's services so I am sure they will agree with me about the great service.


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I second Designer 218. Mandi is great. She's helped me anytime I needed help and set up items that I had trouble setting up. I have a drop down option for scents as well. I use Mal's for checkout and then have Auction Inc that helps figure UPS shipping, fed ex, your personal handling fees (if any) etc. Auction Inc is compatible with Mal's and is 14.95 quarterly. http://www.auctioninc.com/info/page/shipping_calculator

Not too bad but I'm sure there are some free calculators out there as well. I just happened to find and be satisfied with this one so I'm sticking with it.

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I agree that D218 is awesome but in all honesty I despise mals-e shopping cart :( In order to plug in real time shipping you must upgrade to the premium account, making the overall cost increase. Therefore, I highly recommend Graceful Hosting. I love the shopping cart and CS is unbeatable. Yes, as most know there were glitches the beginning of the year but all that has been resolved and the customer service is back on track :yay:

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I agree that D218 is awesome but in all honesty I despise mals-e shopping cart :( In order to plug in real time shipping you must upgrade to the premium account, making the overall cost increase. Therefore, I highly recommend Graceful Hosting. I love the shopping cart and CS is unbeatable. Yes, as most know there were glitches the beginning of the year but all that has been resolved and the customer service is back on track :yay:

Hmmmm...I have mals-e and have used them for 8 years. I don't have a premium acct and have realtime shipping and it's all FREE.

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