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postal mail


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2 months ago the mail seemed OK as far as orders going out.From Ohio to CT it arrived in 2 days.

For orders my order recently.I sent a MO(hate to use CC) couple weeks ago and that was slower.Not sure why?Just like cash. Probably the mail!!!!!! Seems it took 6 to 7 days for the package to arrive. Was a small order too.


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I sent something out on Friday and the customer emailed me today and it still isn't at it's destination. I was curious to see if anyone else was having problems also. I wonder if the delays are because of all the cut backs?

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A while ago I heard something about new "procedure"...they don't have to deliver every day...only every x # of days. Can't recall the specifics. Since then it has gone slower here. Maybe never went into effect actually? Maybe just my post office? Wouldn't surprise me...and I know which teller authorized it too... :laugh2:

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I really haven't noticed any difference. My priority mail comes and goes in 1-2 days. Letters seem to be the same.

They did close our local office (which is understandable due to the fact there are about 7 offices in a 2 mile radius). But it does suck because normally we could just walk up to blocks and there you go. Now we either have to go downtown or have stuff carrier picked up.

We are a carrier scan spot, so they come here everyday no matter what.

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Im a retired Postal manager; so, thought I'd throw in some thoughts. The mail service is slower nowdays and will get worse. Same problem most businesses have. Money. By law, the Postal Service cannot have a profit or a loss. When they have losses, they generally raise rates, knowing that rate incrases decreases business. They also look for other ways to cut costs, like eliminating Saturday delivery. Oh, I don't remember the exact numbers but for every penny increase in gasoline prices the Postal Service spends an extra $24,000/day, $7mil/yr. They have a fleet of 800,000 vehicles. It used to be that service was their job one; but the economics of business has killed that. Now, they have a lot more latitude at cutting costs to make ends meet. So, again, expect service to get worse overall.

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When you have people who'd rather sit on their butts and play solitaire on the computer, you are gunna have wasteful spending. (one of the only reasons I'm glad our local office closed)

But in all honesty, things change. We don't need a nationalized postal service. With the use of email, texting, and the like, sending a traditional letter just doesn't happen like it used it.

95% of our bills are paperless (all the ones that offer it). They even manage to add ads. As for supermarket ads, I get those emailed too. I print out the coupons I need.

Half the time I regret even going into the post office to mail something. It's like playing 20 questions. Is it fragile, liquid, hazardous? Do you need insurance? The question I hate the most! I'm paying you to do a service, and to do it correctly. When you go to a garage to get your car service, I think you'd fall over if they'd ask you to pay more in the event that the mechanic broke something off that he shouldn't have. AND NO... I don't want a teddy bear or framed art!:tiptoe:

Im a retired Postal manager; so, thought I'd throw in some thoughts. The mail service is slower nowdays and will get worse. Same problem most businesses have. Money. By law, the Postal Service cannot have a profit or a loss. When they have losses, they generally raise rates, knowing that rate incrases decreases business. They also look for other ways to cut costs, like eliminating Saturday delivery. Oh, I don't remember the exact numbers but for every penny increase in gasoline prices the Postal Service spends an extra $24,000/day, $7mil/yr. They have a fleet of 800,000 vehicles. It used to be that service was their job one; but the economics of business has killed that. Now, they have a lot more latitude at cutting costs to make ends meet. So, again, expect service to get worse overall.
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Hmmm, my service has seemed to get better in the last few months. I get mail everyday now and it's here by 10 am as opposed 5pm.

Now, the kookiness of my local PO and some of the strange things they do is an entirely different beast. Sometimes I wonder what they are smoking!

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My Postmaster is very rude and can be downright nasty.He should have retired a long time ago. One day he is nice and the next watch out.I hear the way he talks to others and WOW is he nasty.

At times he gets put back when I ask questions.Just trying to get the right box I want to ship items .Finally said this is all we have.

But as far as how long packages arrive it is fast IMO to my customers.Usually in most parts of US only 2 days and most 3 days as I mentioned above.


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I would be sad if they closed our P.O. We live in a ridiculously small town. I know all the carriers and the desk people that work for the P.O. here. Very nice people. Our mail is always here before noon, and our mailman has even called me a few times to ask where to leave my packages when I am not home. Our P.O. gets quite a bit of business, it's always busy, so I'm hoping that keeps ours alive.

I know they already closed the town next to us P.O. I heard on the news that four more will close in the Houston area.

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I stay far away from going to the post office the machines never work and they pulled out the stamp machines too. I refuse to stand in line when I can have a package pickup. I do hope they don't get rid of saturday mail though I really depend on that. During the week I could care less since they don't come everyday here.

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