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What has being in the candle/soap/craft business taught you?


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Ok, you ask for it. I have learned that because a scent is called a certain name, it does not mean that it smells anything like the name.:laugh2:I learned that all people are different.... They all smell different things in the candles.... I learned that if you have a yellow candle, and it has mulberry in it, they think it is lemon... All in the head... ALL people are candle experts because they made ice candles in school.... Every candle maker gets the bighead, because the customers tell all of us OUR candles are the best they ever smelled. :angry2: Darn't, I wanted that one to be true.... I learned that now when I get home, I am ready for a shower to get the candle smell off of me..... I no longer can smell a single candle. Has to be 6 or more....... I learned that picking up wax cost money. My chiropractor loves me. And tells me to stop doing that too. ...:mad: I learned that if you spill this stuff, you can make a big mess on everything you have....... I also learned that dogs like to eat soy wax. He has the smoothest bowel movements too:rolleyes2 .... The more candles you make, the more friends you have. Seems like everyone wants a free one. :angry2: .....Oh and just because a candle maker smiles at you at a show, does not mean that she will not tell all the customers how BAD your candles are. :mad: .....All in all I love what I do. I will always make candles. I am addicted.:P

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I've learned that...

1) Not every fragrance I like, my customers are going to like. :)

2) Candlemaking can be very costly depending on the products you want to market...ie. labelling, glassware, website, marketing materials.

3) All your friends want a DEAL.

4) You should never sell something before you TEST IT!

5) Your family and friends are your biggest critics. :)

6) During busy season I never get any sleep. :)

7) During summer, I'm always researching new f/o's & packaging for the coming season.

8) I can't get enough fragrances even though my shelves are bulging with bottles.

9) My DH gets told that he smells like fruit, florals or baked goods whenever he goes to work. :)

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There are a lot of scammers and scam artists out there looking for product so you have to scan your emails closely (I personally delete those types and never respond). Con artists are out there looking for business too. It's a very competitive business. That candle dye doesn't come off of lynoleum floors. That gardenia and sex on the beach can set off my migraines. And oh, don't forget, you can't satisfy everyone.

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  1. It started as a hobby and ended up a job!
  2. I love working with wax
  3. It's a wonderful gift to make something you know is good
  4. Some customers demand more from a home based business than a large retail store
  5. I'm addicted to fragrance oils and need help :rolleyes2
  6. I appreciate the comments/help/advice I've received from fellow crafters on this board.
  7. I love some scents my customers can't stand
  8. Customers love some scents I can't stand
  9. Owning your own business is much harder than it looks
  10. My husband is allergic is floral scents
  11. You must have a good work balance or the wax will own your a@#!
  12. I love what I do!
  13. I'm glad I don't soap because then I'd really be broke :laugh2:

Peace and thanks for sharing!

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1. I learned it is expensive and others want to do it.They have no idea the cost.

2.Love meeting people at craft shows and get all the compliments on my candles

3.Realize in my area candles will sell but you have to be reasonable or potential customers walk away.

4.Lost one friend who always talks about the candles she gets in stores. Always bragging.She brought them when I quit giving her free ones.

5.I see so many of you talented people making CP soap.I am not able because of the lye.I envy all of you and will dab at MP soon. Right now I am buying CP wholesale to see how it goes.My only way to get the product.

6.Testing is tricky and alot of work but you have to do it.

7.I had no idea how many great suppliers there are and so many unique scents.When I first started 5 years ago another candlemaker said there were over 5,000 scents.Now who knows how many there are???

8.Love the Board.This is where we can get all the info and help we need about crafts, candles and more . We also help each other through happy times and sad times. We are straightforward with one another.

9. For my CC.I used it all I want.Now mostly my very small income buys supplies or else husband helps. No more CC.I want it paid off. Hate'em

10.I have a goal. I would like to have my own Candle Shop behind my house.Our property isn't big but that's my dream. I live on a St Rt and I think it would help. We're always looking at buildings.SOMEDAY???

11. Wish I had my basement back.Candles took over at least in 1 BIG corner. Scents, jars, packaging, wax, crafts, shipping supplies,stapler, labels,stickums,warning labels,wicks etc etc. Just about all you can imagine.That is getting cleaned out. My whim on Scented Bears lasted 1 year and those cuties gotta go. More is going too.

12. Love meeting other crafters.I have made new friends but only see them once a year.

Much more ...................


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Wish I had my basement back.Candles took over at least in 1 BIG corner.

I can relate to that! Mine is a small corner so far but it happens to be on a shelf my boyfriend set up for his stuff. Don't think I'll get to take over too much of the basement since he and his buddy make beer in there. But I sure can take up the whole kitchen without much effort!


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I started making candles for christmas last year and didn't know the first thing about it but grew to love it.

When it came time for fundraising for our HOA I offered to make candles for the bake sale and they were a huge hit. Now I am in charge of candle making for the association and seem to learn somthing new around every corner.

I am still learning the science of candle making - I just recently learned that pouring at lower tempertures can be beneficial- and now I realize that I need at least a few more pouring pots in order to run smoothly and that my Kitchen needs some soft cushiony floor matts to boot - because all that running around is hard on the feet :)

On the business side of what I have learned is to be fearless and confident while selling your products. Since I donate 40% of the profits to the association I initally had to sell the candles for more then I thought people would buy them for. I was glad to find out that I was wrong and people will buy them for the asking price. When I initally started out I sold them in canning jars and I saw people reason the price out - but when I switched to Hexagon jars and improved the labels I find people buy without hesitation.

I know I have much more to learn - but with every batch I learn more and more and more... One thing I would like to learn is how to narrow down my product lines to carry only a few scents- With so many scents out there how do you choose just a few??

*~ Sarah ~*

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Well definitely craft making (both candle and soap making)provides a lot of lessons to me that i actually applied with my day to day life particularly in my mom's business.. Learning the steps on how to make a candle or soap requires a lot of dedication and focus so as the result or the outcome will be very great..Nevertheless i was able to apply it in my mom's bakeshop business because i also get focus on everything there that i should be focused and am exerting so much perseverance over it so as my mom will be happy :cheesy2:

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Wow what a good thread! I'm not in business at the moment but in the process of retesting & getting ready to reopen. When I was open I learned a LOT!

1) ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS be professional. With every sale, every show, every business contact you make. Even if you are the smallest potatoes in town - having the professional appearance of a much larger operation will go a long way. I strive for the middle ground - I want my customers to know that I'm a small business but that I'm as dependable & professional as the big guys.

2) Unless you know what you are doing (I DO NOT) hire a credible person to do your taxes for you.

3) The only way to learn some things is to try. I went through several different jar types, label designs, logos, scents, & products before I learned what worked for me. Trial & error is a powerful thing.

4) ALWAYS have a business card or brochure with you. Samples are even better!

5) Keep the BUSINESS finances and YOUR finances SEPERATE!

6) This was the biggest for me - owning my business made me the happiest I have ever been professionally & personally. Even when I was drop dead tired from pouring candles until 3 am or just starting out and making NO money, to me, there is nothing like the pride that comes from being your own boss (corny as that sounds). At the moment I work in corporate America and I pray daily for the day when I never have to "clock in" again!

And always remember to have fun! I've heard the saying that when its not fun any more its now work!

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I need to work on my packaging. My products are wonderful--packaging? So-so.

We are one of a million people making candles/soap right now, so we really do need to make ours stand out somehow but without ripping off someone else's idea! :angry2:

There will always be people who want scent Z when you only carry A thru Y. Don't cave and buy scent Z unless the customer is placing a very large custom order! You will be stuck with a bad case of FO regret! :tiptoe:

I hate paperwork. and taxes. and inventory. I just want to make pretty things and sell them! :)

Co-ops are awesome!!! (until you are broke. :()

Gatherings are fun! Oh yeah, and we talk about soap there too! :P

Chandlers and soapers are some of the best people in the world! :rockon:

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