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Wick Stickums Won't Stick!!

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Received a whole big roll of Wick Stickums from CS (1,000 thank you very much) and I can't get them to stick in my jars! I'm trying to wick 8 oz. Square Mason Jars and 6 oz. Hex Jars. I'm pushing and pressing as hard as I can using the straw and pen thingy and using my fingers. Nothing works, they just keep popping back loose. Jars are squeaky clean and dry.

I have high temp gasket sealer but these were just test jars and getting the sealer loose to reuse the jars is next to impossible. (small opening). Don't have any glue dots just a 1,000 useless stickums!

Any suggestions? I'm about to scream...or worse!! I've emailed CS but no response as of yet.


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Forgot to add...I tried warming the jars a tad before using them..didn't work...I also tried humming, singing and standing on one foot:angry2: . Could this possibly be a bad roll? Would silicone gel chalk (I've seen mentioned in past threads) be easier to work with/remove from test jars than the gasket sealer?



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I haven't used cs's wick stickums, but their are some suppliers wick sticker that have an extra paper on them. If these don't, then try heating the bottom of your jars with a candle lighter. You will need to get it pretty warm. I have to do this in the winter when my jars are cold. If that doesn't work, then you have gotten bad stickers.

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It may not be the stickums....lately my masons have come with a curved bottom (slightly raised in the center) and there isn't enough of a flat surface for them to stick to. Hot glue will stick enough for you to just test so you can remove the wick when the candle is finished.

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Dana, they do have a curved bottom...maybe that's the problem..not enough flat surface. Thanks. I bet that's it. The hex jars have the same curved bottom. I'll try the high temp glue or silicone tomorrow. Thanks for all the help. Not been a good candle day. One batch totally came out all wrong and then stickums did stickum. Oh well, at least the wine taste's good!

I'll start over tomorrow.

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I use the Wick Stickums from MillCreek and have had very good luck with them. I do use the Kerr Mason type jars and they are a little curved on the bottom. I use the EZ Wick Setter Tool then use the flat end of a Bic ink pen to push down the wick tab. This method works great!

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Well if the final outcome is to sell them... wouldn't you want to test with the materials you plan on selling? :shocked2:

I think she is using the wick stickums for test jars, as do I. I use the ones from Candlemaker's. I only use the silicone for the candles that I sell. :)
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Would any of you mind sharing the brand/type of silicone you use. Oh.......and where do you purchase the silicone at?


I believe it is GE. I get it at Home Depot for like $10 or so. Since you only use a pea sized amount, you can get probably 1,000's of jars out of a container.

Better and cheaper than any other alternative, IMO.

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Sorry, I did not mean to reply twice! Stella shared this suggestion with me. It is hard to get the silicone out of the test jars. I did not know that using the stickums in a test jar would hinder the outcome? Mine do become detached when it gets down to the very bottom of the jar, not always, but more times than not, it will happen. By the time the candle gets down that far, the test is pretty much at the end of the road. :cheesy2:

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Sorry, I did not mean to reply twice! Stella shared this suggestion with me. It is hard to get the silicone out of the test jars. I did not know that using the stickums in a test jar would hinder the outcome? Mine do become detached when it gets down to the very bottom of the jar, not always, but more times than not, it will happen. By the time the candle gets down that far, the test is pretty much at the end of the road. :cheesy2:

It very well may not change the outcome, but on the slight chance that it would, I always test the materials that I intend on selling fully. But that's just me.

Then again, you wouldn't use one wick to test, then use a different to sell. That's how I see it.

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The Silicone is great! It also comes in a squeeze tube. I think it has been discussed on another thread about this, but you can use finger nail polish remover to get silicone out. I poured a little bit in the bottom of the jar and let it sit for a while, I still had to scrape it out, it is not going to detach real easy. Someone else may have a better method, but this is what I have done. :2cents:

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If i am testing wrong, I hope someone will chime in here. I have tested using the silicone, and know that that wick is not going anywhere. I would not make and sell something that was a hazard. Stella has a lot of expertise with this, maybe she will chime in. :tiptoe:

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Stella uses the car gasket stuff for her wicks. Try wiping the jars out with alcohol, let dry then try the stick-um. I find the jars have a thin film of oil and wash every one first. Hope this helps. And don't pull the wick too much, not when the wax is still warm at all. I also don't think their is anyway that testing with any thing to stick a wick to a jar will change the burn rate, maybe the wick sliding but not till the end.

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