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Does this sound reasonable......Does anyone agree with me?


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From my tests, I seem to have the opinion that oils from KY and TN are in about the same quality and price catagory. I like both.

From my earlier tests, the oils from Bluegrass, did better in MY wax, but the price was higher.

Also from my tests with the oils from *** the oils were weaker than the above mentioned but wouldn't you know, they have the better prices.

The oils from Bittercreek are in there with the quality about level with the price range.

Is this a pretty fair assumption..........that the quality is always going to higher with the higher priced oils?

If that is so.........where would you range/rate the oils from Southern Garden Scents? I wanted to try their oils, but was a little throwed off by the price.........but since they are more expensive are they a better quality than the ones i mentioned above? I know this is opinions only and oils from different suppliers work different in different waxes!

This are just MY findings with MY wax.

Does anyone agree with me or think this is a reasonable summary?

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somethink you might try..

is put your wax type in the search engine, and

search in Fragrance and see what comes up..

it is so hard to zero in on one or two suppliers..

as some fo's will work and some will not..

i just wish i had all the money that i have spent on

samplers that did not work in my wax..i would have quite

a nest egg...lol

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I personally use a lot of FO's from Southern Soapers, Southern Garden, Sweetcakes, Scent Works, etc. that are higher priced. IMHO their FO's have more notes to them, as they use more EO's or high priced ingredients than many of the cheaper FO's. I find I can use much less (1/2 oz/lb) in my candles & soap, so the price equals out in the end when compared to some of the cheaper FO's where I need to use more (1 oz/lb). I will never use a FO where I have to use the full 10%, it's a waste of my money.

The saying 'you get what you paid for' does applies to some supplier's FO's, but that's why we test to see if they work in our applications. :cool2:

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Sadly price does not always equate strength. In my experience, buying costly oils will often get you a deeper, more complex scent but it does not always mean stronger. Some of the cheepest oils are the strongest. Sounds odd but it's true. I recommend like another poster said looking to see what others have used but don't use that exclusively as a gauge of what to buy and from whom. I currently use oils from 6 suppliers with the majority coming from one. Try samples of scents from different places and pick the scents that do best for you in your wax for the price you want to pay :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

okay, thanks for your suggestions. It didn't narrow down anything, as I had hoped!!!! lol I guess that justifies me buying oils from every supplier I hear about and testing them............wow the cost! So fun, but amazing how fast you accumulate bottles and scents and expense. I keep trying to narrow it down to 15 good strong scents, but as i keep adding and testing I always seem to have about 35 going! Sigh.......well I guess I will try some from Southern and see if they work in my wax. The tip about my wax in search engine of fo, was good! Thanks I hadn't thought of that..............

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Flicker is spot on.... we have FO at the $8 per # price point that out performs oils at higher priced oils. the key is 2 get samples n test. see whats works n ur wax or lotion or soap. sounds kinda strange, but its true. higher priced oils doesn't always mean better scent throw/performance. rock on.

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Complicated question: IMO...if you are dealing with fragrance mfgs, price can mean stronger oils. Their price is determined by the cost of the ingredients; usually essential oils. You can have them produce stronger scents for you (strengthening some or all of the notes in the oil), but the price will climb. They sell to distributors who rebottle and add a surcharge/profit. There, again in my opinion, is where you find big price to quality discrepancies. And some distributors cut their oils to improve their margins. So, when dealing with distributors you have to be very careful until you are satisfied with the price vs quality.

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I don't think that more expensive necessarily equals better quality. I use oils in all different price ranges. The only way to be sure it works in your wax is to test.

I also think a lot of us tend to use several suppliers. Its just way to hard for me to use just one or two. I have several best sellers and wouldn't you know each is from a different supplier.

Something else to think about if you are selling is that just because you think a scent is the bomb and works great in your wax and the price is right it may still be a stinker to your customers.

I listen to my customers and try to find out what they like and want and when I hit on a great seller I stick with it. But even then scents change year to year and ones that sold for me a year ago may be a hard sell this year. So I seem to be testing new scents every year and at varying price ranges.

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I don't think that more expensive necessarily equals better quality. So I seem to be testing new scents every year and at varying price ranges.

absolutely. From Nature With Love is an example. I tried their absurdly expensive FOs in B&B and they were MUCH weaker than any other suppliers'.

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