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Coconut Oil and C3 - wow

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Ok, I've been reading about CO for awhile but finally decided to try it on some CS scents that didn't seem to be throwing so great. I'm finding it's making a big difference in hot throw. Didn't need to wick differently and only used 1 tsp per lb.... for the price this looks like a good additive to keep around.

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I like it too. When I first proposed the idea of using coconut oil for improved hot throw, lots of folks thought it was just another fad. You just have to be careful on the amount if you are using a parasoy blend (1/2 tsp is good for mine).

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Wow, wonder if that would help with the soy blend votives I'm playing with now. I posted asking about that awhile back in a coconut oil thread that was going on then, but I was using paraffin only then and nobody was really trying this in votives so I didn't get much feedback.

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I got mine at Walmart. It's by Louana called 76 Coconut Oil was about $5.00 for 1 lb. You should be able to find it near the Crisco and Turkey Fryer Oils. I agree that a little goes a long way...definitely will stick to the 1tsp/lb ratio. The container doesn't say anything about refrigeration and it's a little softer than crisco at room temp. It also took away the MP Frost Line in one of the testers.

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I have used CO with NatureWax C3 (wicked with CDNs) at 1 tsp/lb. and found that it can exacerbate cracking issues (the dreaded C3 crack). While it does seem to have a small effect on HT, I found that USA gave me more punch in that area, didn't cause cracking, helped smooth the texture/tops of the wax and helped minimize frosting issues. I still keep CO around in case I run out of USA, but it's not my favorite additive. Since HT difficulties have so much to do with wicking, the CO can *seem* to do miracles with certain wicks in certain waxes and not have much effect one way or the other with other combos.

There is no panacea - everyone has to simply test things with their own wax/wick/FO/container combos to see what works best for you. Test ONE thing at a time so you can tell what is and isn't working for you.

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I agree with Stella that not every FO/wax/wick combination will work the same with any additive. I use ECO wicks with C3 and have also tried USA but I did not find that it gave an increase in HT that I'm finding with the CO. The CO is not NOT making a difference with the dreaded C3 crack but I don't think it made it any worse either. If I have to deal with the darn cracks anyway, I'll go for the additional HT when I can get it.

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I tried the C-3 with the Soy Additive and the C-3 with CO. Used 1 T additive to 1 lb. wax, and also tried 2 tsps CO with 1 lb.wax - cranberry citrus and Macintosh apple FO's. The results appear to be the same with the hot and cold throw. The CO candles had more bubbles in the melted wax, but I noticed that the flames weren't as "wavy" with the CO as they were with the soy additive. Used CO in a paraffin blend - a little more than 1/2 tsp pp and I noticed a difference in the hot throw (more intense) and less smoking (4630). :)

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I store it a room temp....I couldn't find anything on the label about refrigerating

It's LouAna 76 because at 76°F, it becomes a liquid. Like most oils, its shelf life is extended by keeping in a cool, dark location. Like Crisco, it'll keep well at room temp, but its quality will degrade faster at higher storage temps (like 80°+). If you want it to last a long, long time, keep it in the fridge.

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