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BitterCreek Wick Stickums

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I know there was a discussion about their wick stickums..

Does anyone know if that problem was resolved?

And if not, does anyone have a recommendation on where to get some good ones?

I am really running low, and need to get some ordered...

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3M mounting foam from the office supply store is a viable option; works at least as well as the stickums I've tried. It comes in a roll about 1/2" wide and you just snip off pieces, so they're square instead of round. Otherwise it's the same thing.

Got the idea a few years ago from someone here (I think).

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3M mounting foam from the office supply store is a viable option; works at least as well as the stickums I've tried. It comes in a roll about 1/2" wide and you just snip off pieces, so they're square instead of round. Otherwise it's the same thing.

Got the idea a few years ago from someone here (I think).

I never would have thought of that..I think I just might have some of that hiding around here somewhere..

Good to know that BCN stickup are good again..I just love the way they are in that roll..it is so easy to use..

thanks for all the help..

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I just got some Stickums from BCSouth. I'm having a hard time keeping them to stick in the jar. I'm using my EZ Wick Setter™, which I like to use because it sticks the wick all the way around, verses using a stick or something else to press the wick and stickum to the jar.

I've never had problems before, I could actually pick the jar up by the wick w/o it coming loose!!

So far I've only had one floater, but I find that I have to repeat sticking them to the jars. I have the Roll, so I hope it's not the Stickums!! :rolleyes2

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I am new to this hobby of making my own candles. I was told today to use a hot glue gun and glue the wick to the bottom of the jar and then use a straw to hold it in place for a few seconds....has anyone ever done this? Am I wasting my time? Should I just go out and get the stickums? Thank you for any help you can give to me.

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I am new to this hobby of making my own candles. I was told today to use a hot glue gun and glue the wick to the bottom of the jar and then use a straw to hold it in place for a few seconds....has anyone ever done this? Am I wasting my time? Should I just go out and get the stickums? Thank you for any help you can give to me.

That will work fine if you are just learning and making a few of them.

But the stickums are a great and easy when they Stick!!! LOL:p Seroiusly..

Also, you may want to get yourself a wick setter.


OMG .. Did you see candle Science now carries the tabbed wick-stickms like the one BC has.. YEAH!!!!!


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if you are having issues with the BC stickums make sure to let them know ASAP. I wonder if they are having issues again.

I use the hot glue too. You need to make sure it is the high temp glue and make sure to wash your jars or you may have trouble getting them to stick properly. I usually run them thru the dishwasher when they come in then line the bottom of the box with paper towel and store them upside down back in the box so they are clean when I am ready for them.

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Thank you for the great advice mparadise. I am very new to this boy am I in for a surprise, this is way more costly then I thought. I am learning alot from this website tho. I was having a hard time yesterday when I tried to make my very first few, my wicks were not straight and not centered either. I guess I'll get better as I go along. Atleast I hope I do LOLOL :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2:

But I was shocked at the cost I already have in to this.



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I just received an order for the wick stickums from BCN approximately 2 weeks ago, poured 100 candles preparing for a show and did not have a bit of problem through the warming of the jars and pouring of the candles. Hope this helps.

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OMG .. Did you see candle Science now carries the tabbed wick-stickms like the one BC has.. YEAH!!!!!

I've used about 200 off the roll I got from Candle Science and have not had any problems!!! They STICK .:)

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I have never used these "official" stickums, but, another alternative is something I use from DAP called StikARounds. They come in a roll of 200. They are around 1/2" diameter clear circles that are available if you have a Grainger's store around you. Most cities have one. This is the link for them. They are $5.73 and since there is a Grainger's store in just about every major city, you can get them without having to pay any shipping charges. They may also be available at some craft stores, but I buy them where I buy my high temperature silicone adhesive for my double glass candles. Hope this gives you another choice in case you are in a hurry, and need something that seems to work for me.


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For all of you using the stickums, do you ever have a problem with the stickums coming loose when you do your testing? I never had a problem with them coming loose while making the candle, it was while I was testing that one or both would come loose towards the end of the testing. One actually wondered off to the side of the jar and obviously the jar was very hot. Now I only use the stickums for testing and the GE Silicone for selling. I do prefer the stickums because you can just wick and pour. With the silicone, I usually wick the jars the day before to give it time to set up.

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I have a new batch and have not had a single problem. Now if your glass is dusty or has a "film" on it, it will not stick as well, and some may come off. I wipe my jars down with a paper towel and use a wick setter and bam they are done. If you like stick the thing on and pour hot wax immediately they are going to become unsecured. That is just common sense. I usually let mine sit for a couple min, without messing with them to make sure they get a good hold. I pour as cool as possible and don't have ANY problems at all. Even with big hotter wicks. HTH

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I have a new batch and have not had a single problem. Now if your glass is dusty or has a "film" on it, it will not stick as well, and some may come off. I wipe my jars down with a paper towel and use a wick setter and bam they are done. If you like stick the thing on and pour hot wax immediately they are going to become unsecured. That is just common sense. I usually let mine sit for a couple min, without messing with them to make sure they get a good hold. I pour as cool as possible and don't have ANY problems at all. Even with big hotter wicks. HTH

I make palm wax candles and I need to get the container pretty warm plus pour the wax at 200 degrees. For me, if either of these steps are not done correctly, then the crystalizing will not be good. I have tried heating my jars using a heating gun, but I did not like how the crystalizing turned out. Your only heating the outside of the jar and for me that just isn't enough, especially if the jars are a thick glass. I never have trouble with the wax getting underneath the stickum until I start to burn the candle. Now, it did not always happen, but it happened more often than not. I like the stickums, they just didn't always work for me....just wanted to know how others faired with them! I forgot to say I always wipe my containers out before I wick them, just to make sure it is free of dust. :)

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i use this:


a little dab with a butter knife.. works good! i may be a noob, but so far i haven't had an issue with it. but i am curious what is the most commonly used method by everyone?

anyone ever use this?

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We have always used the stickums and love them.

We also wipe out our jars with a baby wipe to get the film off. It's a pain, but we do it not only so the wicks will stick but so that the jar is crystal clear where the wax isn't. It's a pain, but our jars have quite a film!

The stickumms have never released while burning, and we have tested quite a bit, but they do occasionally let go when we are pouring. Not often, but every once in awhile I will get a "floater" GRRRRR

More often than I would like, the LX tabbed wicks we use will come out of the tab after I have poured the candle. If I have time, I give them each an extra "squeeze" with the long nose pliers, but I truly HATE it when that happens!!

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