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Wood wick candles

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I read just a little bit abut these but really had no idea how they burn or anything else about them.Just forgot about them till today I was talking to a lady who gets Yankee ones and loves them but they are very very high.I was thinking the popping would cause sparks to fly but the jar they use she said was a taller jar and not filled all the way to the top.

Anyone do these?? She likes the crackle and pop. I might be interested in these.I don't see them in my area like other candles.Any pointers or different ways to make them????

Will any jar work. Even the JJ?? I am sure you want a special jar but OMG the testing.She said the jar wasn't tall and thin but round and taller than most candles.


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My mother in law had one of those candles and I thought they were awful! The flame on those suckers are scary, and yes the crackling is scary too. Not to mention the amount of soot left on the jar! I also noticed that they did not burn very well. But that is just my opinion.

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I bought one frome Time & Again..but can't tell you how it burned because it kept drowning itself out! UGH! I called the place I got it and they wouldn't replace it...so I melted it down and wicked it myself..lol! I wasn't going to trash it paying 12.00 for it!:shocked2: Cracker Barrel sells them in their gift shop..I think Wood Wick puts themout in these heavy duty gorgeous blown glass containers...I almost bought one for the glass..but didn't.:rolleyes2


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I was thinking right to begin with.Not what I prefer doing.I don't want anything that throws sparks and I felt they would.She said the jar was tall and not filled but hey no wonder sparks didn't shoot out.She also mentioned the black soot.

Thank You all.These are not for me and just what I was hoping to hear. I never brought one but if I do I will burn it outside.I want to keep my house. I want to be able to sleep at night and also want my customers safe.I will tell people what I feel about these. Just like when I tell people my candles are not to be used as a lotion. :shocked2:


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I sometimes make these for my own use, mainly because I bought some to check out a couple years ago and hate to waste anything. I do enjoy the crackling sound and the candle lasts forever. I do not sell them. I use the large size wick from C&S, soy wax and apothocary jars. They can be a PIA to work with, but I've never had any sparks fly or anything like that. I don't use a wick tab, so at the end they just fall over and drown themselves out.

That being said, I still don't sell them, because I am not 100% confident with their safety in the hands of others.

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Virginia Candle company started the wood wick candles. I bought one a couple of years ago and it was rather nice. The crackle sound emminates the sound of a crackling fire but its softer than a fire. It didn't spark or shoot sparks nor did it turn the jar black with soot. VCC uses those fluted jars with a wide mouth so thats probably why I didn't get any soot on mine.

So if you are seeing a wood wick candle that is shooting sparks or sooting its probably made poorly and has a knock-off wood wick in it. I'm sure Virginia Candle is not giving out their formula for their particular wood wicks and those you buy aren't from VCC.

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I have a bunch of wood wicks if someone wants to buy them and test them. I didn't like them and wull be posting them for sale when I get done cleaning out the things I do not use anymore.

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Thanks for asking this question and for the great responses. I heard about these awhile ago but haven't tried one yet but I too wondered about making them but wasn't able to find wicks locally. This isn't something I would want to sell though after hearing others experiences.

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