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Soaps or Candles


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I find candles to be very seasonal. I get big candles sales in the fall and holiday season, sales also spike during spring, valentines and mothers day and various holidays, etc. Other then that they sell somewhat sporadically so I never know what to expect.

However my soaps and lotions sell nicely and consistently year round. I can usually count on good sales and they are easier to get a good price for them.

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Soap and lotion are my big sellers. I do a monthly market plus another dozen shows a year and have a booth in a craft mall. Candles are my slow item for my clientele. I am now making pillars so we will see how they go.

Soap and lotion is used up wheras candles are not always burned or they were bought as a gift.

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To be only making candles for 4 months is a pretty short amount of time to already be selling. I hope you did all your testing and have good insurance in place. Did you know that your candles can burn differently with a change of seasons? It's very important to make sure you do this properly and test all wick, dye (if you use) and fragrance combos under as many scenarios as you can think. Its exciting and so easy to get caught up in it all but, you are making something that can be very dangerous so testing is of the utmost importance. Just be sure you really are ready to be selling in that short amount of time. Only you can answer that.

If you venture into B&B, you will need alot of time to learn this business and perfect and test all your recipes too.

What I sell most depends on the time of year.

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To be only making candles for 4 months is a pretty short amount of time to already be selling. I hope you did all your testing and have good insurance in place. Did you know that your candles can burn differently with a change of seasons? It's very important to make sure you do this properly and test all wick, dye (if you use) and fragrance combos under as many scenarios as you can think. Its exciting and so easy to get caught up in it all but, you are making something that can be very dangerous so testing is of the utmost importance. Just be sure you really are ready to be selling in that short amount of time. Only you can answer that.

If you venture into B&B, you will need alot of time to learn this business and perfect and test all your recipes too.

What I sell most depends on the time of year. Soap sales are good all year around for me.

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Thanks so much for the good advice. As my husband says, "Get out of her way."

I do have insurance and have burned all my candles for testing. I've given quite a few to friends for advice.

I owned an Insurance AGency before I retired and have fairly good business sense but certainly can use any advice.

Thanks so much

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Great that you've tested and gotten insurance - you're one step ahead of the game.

Do you have a candle "specialty" (like jars, pillars, votives, wickless)? If you have your own niche, something you do and do well, that can be helpful in what way you want to market yourself and where your success is. Although, honestly you can have good marketing and a crappy product and still do OK for a while... but we won't talk about that :)

So much depends on where you sell, your location, etc. Your big seller at a show might be different from a big seller online. What sells for me will be different from what sells for the next person.

Try and look at your products, your specialty, and what will work in the market that you are selling in. 4months is very new, though... do you see a trend at all yet?

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WOW, I am surprised at the answers here. I sell candles all yr round...and LOTS of them. I sell B&B here and there but that is more of a seasonal thing to me than my candles are.

Although I have to say, I dont really market my B&B like I do my candles. I mostly sell B&B by making private label things for local Spa's. Maybe I need to get some pointers from you gals on how you sell so much B&B.

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i started with candles and i have been doing bath and body for 2 years. Candles didnt seem to be the favorite so i just stopped making them. So I would say bath and body would be your best bet. Considering most people when they buy something they are particularly looking for something for themselves, candles arent for a person they are just for decoration where as bath and body can be a personal use.

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