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Things are going so good!


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Ok, I just posted about my first craft show, now I want to share how my week has gone so far.

Saturday, I was busy getting ready for the show and my sweetheart of a husband decided to make me my own spot in his beloved garage/shop.:yay: I could not believe it. He built me a worktable and shelves. Now we live in the south so I won't be able to store any out there because of the heat. But he is now saying he is going to put up some walls so we can put in heat and a/c to control the temps.

The other good news is my sister brought a bunch of my candles to work w/ her and sold everything she brought and took orders for over $250 more! Then she calls me today and says her best friend is selling BeautiControl. She wants to also sell my candles at her home parties. Everything is not finalized by any means but it sure seems like things are coming together for me.

Now I have to get busy restocking.

Sorry so long- just had to share.

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Jennifer,my dh did the same thing for me.Knowing how busy he is and taking the time to do this meant alot to me. The only thing is he had the inside of the shop walls blown with foam .Its great in the winter but bad in the summer b/c of the heat it keeps in.Im running the a/c all summer in this tx heat. But to have all this stuff out of the house is wonderful! Congraulations!!!!Jan

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