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It's a horrible font. The s's and g's look alike.. it makes it very difficult to read. I look at it, and I know exactly who designed it. While Becky is good at what she does, all of her stuff just looks the same to me, varied only by fonts occasioinally. But that's just me, and my silly little opinion.

Your product labels look really nice.

Edited to Add.. both fonts are really bad, and really difficult to read. Not blurry at all though! Just bad font choices. The script font looks like a boys hasty handwriting lol! JMO.

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Font in the script was boring so I had her make that up. I said to use the quartz mountain font. She said I would just leave it the way it is! should of listen to her.. I guess its back to boring font...:) or maybe something you all can read :)

It's a horrible font. The s's and g's look alike.. it makes it very difficult to read. I look at it, and I know exactly who designed it. While Becky is good at what she does, all of her stuff just looks the same to me, varied only by fonts occasioinally. But that's just me, and my silly little opinion.

Your product labels look really nice.

Edited to Add.. both fonts are really bad, and really difficult to read. Not blurry at all though! Just bad font choices. The script font looks like a boys hasty handwriting lol! JMO.

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for me it's really, really hard to read not because of the font, but because of the black lettering on the dark background. I have the brightness turned very low on my monitor because it gives me migraine headaches otherwise, so perhaps "normal" settings are ok. Just seems like a colored font might do better.

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Although the background color is pretty, I think its just too dark if you want to use that dark color for your font. You'll either have to lighten your print or change the color of your background. I also agree that the script is a little hard to read and I love script fonts. Otherwise, the rest of your site is really nice.:yay:

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I have a 22 Widescreen Monitor and I think it looks pretty good.

I have a giant monitor and it is very easy to read the print on most sites but this one is very dark. The font isn't the easiest to read but the darkness of the opening page is a turn off for me as a customer. I don't want to have to strain to read.
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Think of me as an online customer. I click on a website and it is dark and hard to read. I go somewhere else to shop that I can read easily.

Strange that everything else is light and bright on my monitor but your website is dark and hard to read.

Since everyone has different equipment, it should be a good thing to find out that some potential customers have difficulty reading it.

When I opened my website I had comments from friends that they had to scroll down and to the side to see the whole page. That wasn't happening for me but I did not want potential customers to go elsewhere because my site was hard to navigate.

I apologize if you did not want honest feedback.

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I wanted to share my graphics and did not ask for feedback on my post. At the end of my post I said (Thanks for looking) I do respect your opinon.



Think of me as an online customer. I click on a website and it is dark and hard to read. I go somewhere else to shop that I can read easily.

Strange that everything else is light and bright on my monitor but your website is dark and hard to read.

Since everyone has different equipment, it should be a good thing to find out that some potential customers have difficulty reading it.

When I opened my website I had comments from friends that they had to scroll down and to the side to see the whole page. That wasn't happening for me but I did not want potential customers to go elsewhere because my site was hard to navigate.

I apologize if you did not want honest feedback.

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Part of the reason it "looks good" / "Is legible" to you, is that you already know what the words are, and therefore it is very easy for you to process the font visually. The problem is when you give the same font to someone who does not know what it is supposed to say, it becomes a bit trickier.

As a former Web Designer and Graphics Illustrator myself, i've had to deal with these issues a LOT. Changing things really isn't that difficult, and i don't know how much you are paying your designer, but this is something that they should have brought up to you.

As for the rest of your site, IF IT WERE ME designing it, i would opt for a lighter color background. "Designers" love dark backgrounds for some reason... kinda like how a lot of "Designers" and artisans dress in black and enjoy designs that actually lack design... weird. But regardless, you CAN tie a lighter color background into your site nicely!

Personally i feel that with the image at the footer, and a dark header, the site feels very "bottom heavy"... they need to be equalized. Also, you can have a nice "swoopy" font and have it easy to read, but not HAVE to match the font you are using for your main logo.

So, i spent about 10 minutes changing things on your site... i know its unsolicited, but here is what i think would look a lot better..........


The image isn't clean, and the treelines need a LOT of work... like i said, i spent about 10 minutes on it... But feel free to use any element/idea from it that you wish to use if you actually like it... your designer SHOULD be able to dupe this look, and make it nice... if they can't, PM me and get me the original image of the mountains, and i'll help you out.


This gives you a background that merges nicely with your header and footer... you can still use your original background color for the fringe edges, but your products, descriptions, and text are seen MUCH easier with the lighter color. I spent about 30 seconds choosing a font, so this is not really ideal, but its better... it is easy to read. I didn't mess with your center image at all other than to make the background match better :) but the same font could be applied there.

I wish you luck with your site... it definitely looks awesome already, especially compared to some sites i've seen online... lol!! I also really like the leaves at the top with nothing but the shadows visible... i would still use them actually, but i would make them part of the 'fringe background' and not the header background...

Anyway.... sorry if this isn't what you wanted by making this post... but i was bored, and it seemed like it'd be fun to play with Photoshop again, and if it can help, then awesome! If it can't, it was still fun to move pixels around again :)


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Well I guess I am the odd ball here as I thought the site was very beautiful. I had no problem reading the font, and no problem with the colors either...I loved it all actually and really do like the pinecones and needles at the top! Oh and the pinetrees with the faded lavender color around it in the middle of the page...awesome! Very dramatic...love the whole look! It actually made me want to look around and see what you make! I would give this website very high marks, myself! LOL!

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Sorry I know you are not asking for feedback but I have to say that I really liked the website also. And I was really disappointed with what everyone was saying and I really didnt agree with them. But I do have to say that what the other poster did to the site really made it look better and really popped you information. I am just talking about the background. I really like your font and I didnt have a hard time reading it at all. I thought it was very pretty.


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