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Hi, I am new

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and new to candle making. I haven't even started making candles yet. Just kind of researching for now. I recently was in a car accident and can not work for 6 months so I needed to find a hobby. I bought a homemade candle from a site and thought, I can do this.

Now I'm starting to wonder if I can. Not sure where to start. But glad to meet you all.

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I am new myself. There are so may variables it makes me crazy. There are multiple types of waxes and soy blends, wick types, FO's, container sizes, wick sizes, ... and they are all interrelated. The good news is that there is a lot of help on this website you can research. Then there will be a lot of testing, failures, and more testing until things start to work right. It also helps that my wife has the art brains, and understands this a lot better than I do. :rolleyes2

Have fun. :cheesy2:

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The only advice I can give is some that I didn't understand when I first began but then realized that these people knew exactly what they were talking about.

"Start off with one type of wax, one type of container and one FO (Fragrance Oil) at a time."

When you've conquered that, you can move on to next scent, and so on.

I thought I was all that and was doing soy, palm waxes and paraffin all at once with several different containers and scents. I got burned out easily and stopped for several months before trying again. You will drive yourself insane if you don't take the advice to heart. Good luck to all newbies! :)

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