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Wanting to expand into melts/tarts but have questions

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I have had different people ask if I sell melts/tarts, so I am looking into expanding into those. I have questions though. I have seen people ask if others were using tart wax. What is the difference? I use Nature Wax C3 (soy wax) , could I use this or no? If not can you give some suggestions? I would like to stay with soy if possible. TIA.

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For tarts and melts, you will likely want a firmer wax. I use a votive wax with a little bit of container wax mixed in for throw. My blend is right about 65/35 (votive/container). You can use a container wax for clamshells, but its harder to get out.... not sure about tarts as I only use the clamshells for my melts. I've heard that its harder to get container wax out of molds too, but I have no practice with that personally.

Soy I can't answer as accurately, because I don't use soy for any of my wickless products. But I would assume that the same rules about the softness would apply.

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Ecosoya Pillar Blend works great for tarts/melts, I've been using it for more than a year now. I use it in regular tart molds (pops right out), and in candy molds (also pops right out). I've seen that many other people on this board use it also. The tarts/melts are nice and firm.

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Ecosoya Pillar Blend works great for tarts/melts, I've been using it for more than a year now. I use it in regular tart molds (pops right out), and in candy molds (also pops right out). I've seen that many other people on this board use it also. The tarts/melts are nice and firm.

Who do you purchase it from?

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I have purchased it from Candlescience and Peaks. Even though the wax is cheaper at peaks, their shipping is more expensive for me. It's more cost effective for me to purchase from Candlescience with the oils (their oils are less expensive) and shipping (less expensive for me) even though the wax is more expensive through them.

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If you want soy tarts it's better to use a soy pillar blend. I also use the Ecosoya PB with great results. Using a container soy I have problems releasing from the tart mold let alone the warmer. The Cargill V-1 is okay but I had issues with the Cargill cracking but that was a couple years ago. Cargill may have sorted out that issue.

Another option is to blend your container soy with a straight pillar paraffin. You'll want to a higher ratio of paraffin to soy. About 70/30 to insure good release.

I get Ecosoya from candlesandsupplies.

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I have had different people ask if I sell melts/tarts, so I am looking into expanding into those. I have questions though. I have seen people ask if others were using tart wax. What is the difference? I use Nature Wax C3 (soy wax) , could I use this or no? If not can you give some suggestions? I would like to stay with soy if possible. TIA.

Southernsoy, before you go buying some other wax, you might want to first decide how to present your melts and see if your current wax will work, even if it just needs a little tweaking. For example, I use Accu-soy 10 for both my container candles and for melts, which I pour into portion cups. Even though it is a soft container wax, it's just firm enough to cleanly pop out of the cup, yet it's also soft enough that some customers will use a butter knife to remove a little of this melt and a little of that one to create their own fragrance blends. This wax is also just firm enough to use in clamshells. It'll even pop out of molds but tends to smear in packaging so hence the portion cups.

I guess what I'm saying is to see what your current wax will do before looking elsewhere. Mine has a meltpoint of 122 and I thought C3 was even a little higher so I'm wondering why it wouldn't work unless some other property makes it too sticky. And if it is too sticky maybe blend it with something to raise the meltpoint a tad.

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Thankyou everyone, this gives me a great starting point. I havent decided how I want to present them yet. When I decide that, I will go from there. I will probably try my own wax first just to see. Thats what testing is all about right. :D I have written down all the different waxs and types so that if I dont like what I have I will know what to try next. So thanks again, ya'll have helped me alot.

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I prefer KY's votive/tart wax but have used my C 3 for melts and it works just fine. As a matter of fact seeing I'm working full time now and not doing this as a business any more I'm thinking of just doing all my melts in the C 3 to save money and not having to buy both waxes. I would atleast try the C 3 b/f buying a pillar or votive wax and see how you like it. It may need a little bit of a cure than the other waxes but it don't need as long of a cure as a candle needs. HTH Cindy/WI

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I myself use c-3 for all my containers and just recently started making tart/melts using candy molds a few months ago and even silicone molds and I have no problem what so ever with that wax even though it is softer than a votive wax....I'll even put these molds in the freezer and they all just fall right out of the molds....I also ordered the Cargil votive wax which is a harder wax and that worked awesome for me too...And I make hundred and hundreds of the melts.....Both waxes I have no problems with melts cracking either though I have to be careful just how long I leave in the freezer to speed up the process of getting them made. The scent throw on both these waxes is awesome and I don't even have to wait a week for the scents to cure but just about immediately...

I agree with what Farmer Jill also said about presentation. How are you going to present them, in little melt shapes or in clam shells? I think if you are going to use the clam shells, the c-3 is going to be a little to soft, though I have never tried in the clam shells as I don't make those.....Just like everything else, try testing and see what works best for you.


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