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Craft Show Opinions..


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What would a 2 day show be worth with the following information?

1. Well Advertised. I've seen the ads on local TV and radio and print. Not sure how effective the local TV ads are now in the world of DirecTV and such.

2. Good, indoor location. This show has been at the location its at since I can remember and its a local Expo center, fairly nice.

3. Attendance info for the spring shows is around 3000 or so. Attendance for the holiday shows is anywhere from 6000-10000.

4. Electricity is available (of course)

5. Show is Juried. I do know that I have seen commercial vendors such as Mary Kay, etc. at the event... but there isn't much in the way of "Made in China" and none of the counterfeit purses, clothes, etc.

What would be a good price to pay? I've not done much in the way of shows, mainly just flea market and farmers market.. but considering my options for shows. Would $185 be out of line for the lower attended spring shows?

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I think all of those are good signs but it just depends on your area. I don't think $185 is too much for what I am used to. Can you look at what other spring shows are charging to compare? How does $185 compare to the fall shows in your area? I have found that spring is always less than fall. Hope this helps!

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The price depends on your area but the show sounds like a good one. In my area, no way would I pay that for a 2 day show and no way would they charge that. Remember, you have to make that back, plus all your other costs before you even start getting into profit.

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In this area, shows range anywhere from 50 dollars for a one day show all the way up to 6000 for a week long show. Its really and truly all over the map in regards to pricing.

I'd like to try this show, but I may wait for their fall shows... the difference in price between spring and fall shows is only 10 dollars, and one of the fall shows is actually a 3 day instead of 2 day.

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Then go scout it.

Really, the price of a show is never reflective as to if it's a good show or a bad show. Some of the better shows may only charge $30 here or it could be over $100, depends on history, promotion and the economics of the area too (not necessarily what the national news is saying, but what has gone on in that community.)

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not sure how it is in your area but around here if there are 2 shows a year, you really need to do the spring show in order for the fall one to be a success. I've found that people come out more to look in the spring but the fall show is where they shop for christmas presents and I've always done a lot better if I'd done the spring show first.



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Corner booths are nice but I do not think they make for a better show for me. I can still setup with two tables without a corner. I love corners though since I have more room behind the tables for ME and my junk that no one can see. I have yet to pay extra for a corner but I have a standing corner booth at three shows. If I pay early they guarantee my same booth for next year.

I sell soap and other bath and beauty stuff.

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One thing to remember with all shows, even if you do poorly as far as money goes, the exposure and experience is priceless. I have regularly gotten sales after the show, or inquiries from wholesalers.

Just getting your name recognized is a huge bonus.

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Here's an example from my area (Denver, CO)... I did the Chocolate Festival this year, booth fee was $150 w/o electricity (that was extra and I didn't need it). It was a two day show, sort of. Friday night was the "special opener" night, billed as a VIP night, there was alcohol served... This was my first BIG show - I had only done one day (like 3-4 hour) shows previously.

This one blew me away - we did about $800 in sales, so the $150 table fee was absolutely reasonable. Definitely made that $$$ back - and as large show rookies! I'd guess about 5000-6000 people came through? I'm betting that with this year's experience under my belt I can do way better next year.

Plus two potential follow up business deals have resulted. One fell through, but one I am still pursuing and will likely have product in a retail location w/in 2 months.

So for a 2 day show in my area that amount is not out of line. You may have to ask yourself, are you willing to take the fee and any setup costs you may accrue as a loss? Or would you be devastated if you came away with little more than the experience?

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One more question...

For the craft shows that charge an extra fee for a corner booth... is it generally worth it? From a setup standpoint, I know it would be a lot easier for me, but I am equally concerned about sales.

I don't do shows that charge extra for a corner spot. To me that's BS.

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All the things you've pointed out are very favorable to the show. $185.00 is not a huge amount to spend on a booth for a great show, and it's indoor! I do a local fest and it the best show I do all year! I walk away with well over $4,000 for a three day show! 80,000 people in 3 days!

Being juried is GREAT! That keeps out the riff raff and the junky crafters!

Try to get into the spring show so that you can have a great reputation and following for the fall show!


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I look at shows as a form of advertising.....if someone does not buy from then they may come back later and order from your site, etc.

I have done some shows that the sales sucked...however the follow up ordering/calls totally made up for it. kwim?

You never know unless you try.

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Do it. We do the spring shows to get our product lines and our company name out in the mind of the general public. We have found this will help promote the shows that you do in the fall. Even if it is only 2 or 3 spring shows...the more they see you ....the better odds you have of that one customer walking in and purchasing your product. Just remember...promotion...

promotion...promotion....smile...smile....smile....talk...talk...talk....and don't be afraid to fail....success is built by falling down and getting back up again even if it means more than once. Good luck


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