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so . . . what's your wax?

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ok - I am scrapping the wax blend I have been attempting - I have been consistently getting a great cold throw, just not satisfied with the hot throw I remember from before my hiatus

So I am starting over from square one - I have tried all sorts of combinations and blends of my own concoctions but frankly I am seriously thinking that I will probably just go back to straight out of the manufacturer's box for a while - I love playing with it but it sure does seem that I am destroying a lot of perfectly good wax and FO around here!

But playing with all of this has made me wonder what everyone else is doing - straight soy, straight paraffin, a manufacturer's blend, a blend of your own or what?

So what are you using? If it is a manufacturer's blend or straight soy or paraffin exactly what is it? If you are making your own blend you don't have to give us your exact secret recipe (unless you want to of course LOL) but what do you use and do you find that you are satisfied with the ht and ct?

And do you find that you have success with most FOs or is that a hit or miss kind of deal for you?

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I am making containers myself - but I guess for the purpose of this thread I am kind of opening it up for all types of wax and all types of candles

Just curiousness on my part I guess - I have slabs of IGI's different container waxes (6 of them anyway) and a couple different soys that I am in the process of testing right now - Using the same FO in the same percentage for each of them to compare against each other

I know a lot of different variables go into each of our products - Just say the temp I pour at alone might make a difference when all other factors are the same - ie same wax and same FO - So with a large number of variables I know there can be a lot of different results

But as I said, I was just wondering what others are using and how many make their own blend

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Well lets see....every parawax blend I have tried and liked ended up being discontinued!!:mad:

So I am back to mixing....I am going to test 464/4630 at a rate of 50/50 and see if I can get somewhere near what I want.

In fact I am pouring some testers this evening.


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Well lets see....every parawax blend I have tried and liked ended up being discontinued!!:mad:

So I am back to mixing....I am going to test 464/4630 at a rate of 50/50 and see if I can get somewhere near what I want.

In fact I am pouring some testers this evening.


I know how ya feel..Im still using 6036 until I can't find it anymore then Im going to also try 464/4630 I have some 4627 I may throw in the mix. For some reason I didnt like the 6006 cant remember what is was so maybe will also try that again since I have some of it still hanging around. :rolleyes2

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I liked the 6006 EXCEPT when you pour it into a jar that is taller than wide it required a repour (for me at least) and I like a little more soy in my mix. The 6006 is 80/20. The 6036 was PERFECT and then discontinued so that is why I am back to mixing my own.

For those who are going to try the 6006....if you add 15-25% soy you dont have to do that repour I was talking about.


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I liked the 6006 EXCEPT when you pour it into a jar that is taller than wide it required a repour (for me at least) and I like a little more soy in my mix. The 6006 is 80/20. The 6036 was PERFECT and then discontinued so that is why I am back to mixing my own.

For those who are going to try the 6006....if you add 15-25% soy you dont have to do that repour I was talking about.


Oh thats right now I remember it would get sink holes around the wick, very frustrating not into doing repours at all! I will try and add some more soy to it and see what happens but I gotta tell ya the price on the 6006 is the same as if not higher then the 6036 was when CS had it.

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I use NatureWax C3, Ecosoya PB, and palm wax, both glass glow and pillar types. I use additives with the C3 and palm stearic acid with pillar palm wax. The Ecosoya and Glass Glow, I use straight from the bag. I get great cold and hot throw from all - the Ecosoya PB a little less than the others.

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I use KY 125 it is a soy and cotton seed blend for container candles. I have tried others but nothing compares to it. Great cold and hot throw. Love it because it is in flake form, easy to use. I don't want to have to mix my own blends, I don't have the time. Never have to repour and I get smooth tops, sometimes alittle frosting but that is the nature of soy. I have noticed how some candle supply companies seem to discontinue different waxes, which is something that I don't understand...I would hate to go through all the testing and then find out it is unavailable.

I try to only use fragrances that have been approved for use with soy wax, so I haven't had a problem with fragrances. KY Candle Supply lists her fragrances and she also tells you if it throws well in soy.;)

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I've recently changed waxes ... I use 6006 and really love it. The scent throw is awesome. It is a little picky, but now that I know how to handle its quirks, I don't have any problems. The only thing I don't like is the price, but that seems to be an issue with all waxes.

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This is probably a dumb question but I'll ask anyway... I called BCN to see if they sell the 6006 and they don't sell that kind of wax..I live in Wisconsin, does anyone know where the closest supplier that sells that wax might be? Thanks much for any help!



I would call them again. I just ordered from them on Tuesday. I did not order that wax from them but they have it listed on their site. 6006A Does not mention that they are out of stock. I think there must have been a communication problem. HTH

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I love the H&C throws from the J waxes; J50 and J223. I also like Ecosoya's CB and blend these for my containers.

For pillars I still have some K228? lying around but mostly I use crystal palm for pillars and tarts.

Sometimes I use Ecosoya's PB but don't like frosty looking pillars much but it makes great tarts and votives!

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