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Lady Godiva Bella Bath Swap preview


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Here is a sneak preview of the soap I made and just unmolded for the Godiva Bella Bath Swap. It has not been cleaned up at all.

I made this soap using goats milk, coconut milk, butter mild and aloe vera juice for my liquid. I already got a ton of lather off my hands from just handling the soap when I unmolded. The scent is White Jasmine and Mint from OT&L, colored with charcoal and POP colors. I am pleased that I was able to recreate the look I achieved the first time I soaped this scent. This is a first with this FO soaped in a milk soap. I've been playing with AVJ so I decided to experiment and see how it would do with milk.

Thanks for looking.




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Thanks! The lather the next day was very creamy and luxurious. The scent is still pretty light and has to have the milk smell cure out still. I'm hoping once the milk smell cures out, the FO scent will be stronger. I soaped this scent before and it was pretty light but I did not use my full amount of FO - this time I did. Hopefully it makes a difference. It is a wonderfully clean, fresh scent that I hope everyone in the swap likes as much as they do this soap.

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