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Discountinued 6036.....NO!!!

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I can't believe it just as you find something you like and what works so well they go and get rid of it. :( Well I am glad I bought 2 cases that will last me for now. Between the wax going and FO companies folding it is getting very fustrating to make candles. Oh well I have some EcoSoya CB Advanced I have been wanting to test. I guess I will now. Or maybe come up with my own mix. Oh well back to the drawing board. :mad: Regina

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Well, my opinion of companies that continue to sell test slabs of a discontinued wax, with simply an 'out of stock' notice for the larger sizes and no indication that it will NEVER be back in stock are not serving their customers well. When I read the other '6036 discontinued' thread tonight I went to the CS website and only found the 60 lb cases listed as out of stock...no notice of it being discontinued... bad business IMHO

As a buyer who purchased a few test slabs of 6036 earlier this summer and spent 3 months testing testing testing (mostly with their fragrances) I sure would have liked that info before I wasted my time and money! I see other suppliers put discontinued products on sale/clearance and post notices that once stock is gone it's gone...I appreciate that honesty and can plan my purchases around their announcement and will continue to shop with that supplier for other products. I love many of the CS oils I tested in the 6036 and planned a large order of 6036 and their fo's this month...why now though when I must re-test in a new wax and re-order all my fo samples???

I realize at the time of my order, they may not have known they would discontinue this wax...maybe IGI is letting it go...who knows??? But as I said, as of today no notice is on their site and people looking for a good 50/50 will continue to order those test slabs.

Put it on Clearance with a notice that it is being discontinued... hobbyists and deal shoppers will still buy and they'll clear out remaining stock....BOOOOOOOO!


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I agree BOOOOOO to CS. If they knew it was going they should of posted it. And If they diden't they do now and still have not posted anything about it.:mad: We as candlers spend alot of time and money testing to get that perfect candle we don't need a company selling us wax that they are gonna no longer carry after a few months of selling. Shame on CS:mad: They have lost me as a customer I will now buy my wax elsewere. Regina

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Hello Everyone,

We’re really sorry for the inconvenience regarding the 6036 wax. We were starting to run low, and ready to reorder. But with the recent dramatic IGI price increases, we calculated the new sell price to be nearly $100 / case, or a nearly 80% price increase from our current price. Unfortunately, the 6036 went from being the cheapest wax we purchased, to being the most expensive. Sadly, the reasoning from IGI for the increase was not worth posting here. I agree that our “discontinue process” for this wax was not as smooth as it should have been. The huge price jump was much more than expected, which caused the 6036 to be discontinued outside of our normal review / customer notification procedure. The current status is now reflected on the site.

We know how difficult it is to test products; we spends tons of time on it as well. We think we’ve got a way for you to salvage much of your testing, and get a similar wax that will save you money, since those suppliers that do continue the wax will be forced to raise prices similar to what we projected. For those candle makers that like the performance of the 6036, we suggest a blend of 50% Golden Brands 464 and 50% IGI 4630. To be honest, I think it is a better blend, with more consistency. You could also bump it up to 60% soy in order to market it as a soy blend, like the 6036.

Again, our apologies for any trouble this caused. I hope this post makes clear how it happened, and that we care about our customer’s time and effort. Many thanks to you for your business.

Kind Regards,


Candle Science

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Thanks Dan for the suggestions. I figured it had something to do with the reorder prices. I know this wax a VERY MUCH higher at other sites. I knew there would be a price jump. I will maybe try the blend with the 464 I am not sure.....I am tested out for now. I know I need to get my Fall scents done but this has still caught me off guard....even though I suspected an increase I never expected it to be discontinued.

Thanks for the explaination. I will go back to the drawing board....again.:(


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Tootie ... you can still buy 6036 from Aztec (www.buywax.com). It's $83.40 a case, at least for right now.

That is what I am afraid of...it will go up and it will go up alot.:mad: I am thinking about just going back to the 464 and just be happy with that for now. At least I dont have to test much....just an 8oz tin and a few christmas scents.


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Same thing has happened to me but it was with a soy I have used for 4 years. My supplier will no longer stock it because of the increase. How does $157 per case sound?!!

I could only buy a few extra cases to hold me over. They only had 12 left but I could not afford 12 so I bought a few and now they have none left.

I feel for everyone on this thread. I am in the same boat. I did not really know either that it was going to be discontinued, until I asked. I mean even though they may not keep it on their site anymore, they could still get it for me. So, really it is not totally discontinued, but I would have to buy ten cases at a time and also pay the big bucks for each case. There is no way! Calwax (the manufacturer) is going to lose a lot of business. Fortunately, Swans has another manufacturer that seems to be doing pretty well.

Good luck everyone with the testing.

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Tootie ... you can still buy 6036 from Aztec (www.buywax.com). It's $83.40 a case, at least for right now.

WOW 83.40 a case. Oh well may have to buy some to get me through christmas. Then after christmas I will just have to decide which way I will be going with picking a new wax. This really stinks :mad: but what can you do. Regina

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Hey guys I just had to deal with this today with my wax. I called my supplier and they told me that yes they are not going to sell it anymore either...but he did say he wouldn't leave us hanging and he would give us the direct supplier they use! We just tested for the last year and got everything as we want it and website up...just to hear the news!!!! anyway just thought I would share that! LeeAnn~

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Let It Shine still has the 6036 too but it is $99.30 per case. This is probably the current price....I hope. I have not tried this wax yet but almost ordered a slab to test. It seems like most wax is going up. $80's and $90's seem to be common now, even though it is terrible. The $157 for a case of the soy I was using is nuts!

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Crap and more crap! Well I just ordered a bunch to get me through the holidays and will probably try dans suggestion when I can afford it. I had just ordered a whole load of supplies to go with this wax combo and I have to use that up.

With the way the market has been I wish I could say I'm surprised.

I'm going to go cry right now. :cry2:

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I am sooo glad I held off testing this wax. I did price comparison's and even posted about the huge price range supplier to supplier with CS being the lowest at the time of my post. I suspected it would go up but didn't get expect that it would increase so much that CS would drop it altogether.

Scariest thought of it though is IF the soy crops are more plentiful next year, and IF the ecomony settles down with the petroleum / gas prices, most manufacturers will probably not reduce their prices knowing they have gotten by selling it at the higher price. In turn, forcing everyone from suppliers to chandlers to crafters to pay the big bucks if we wanna play in wax. :cry2:

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By the way, Aztec is also discontinuing it. Here is the reply I received in regards to it:

"So here is the deal with the 6036. It was originally a lot cheaper,

lower grade version of the 6006. With the recent price increase it is now

the same price and may actually end up a little higher than the better grade

6006 so for all exstensive purposes we will be getting rid of it too. Please

let me know if you have any questions about this.

Sales Associate"

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I am thinking the more suppliers that get rid of waxes that are way too high may send a message to these manufacturers (not that it does us any good now). The manufacturers need their business as well as whoever else they have that will continue to pay the prices. For instance, Calwax prices are way too high and I am sure that more than one supplier (types that sell to smaller companies) that I know of will be getting rid of their wax because I find it hard to believe that small companies could keep up paying that kind of price. I would also bet that many smaller candle companies that buy direct from them will stop using their soy or whatever other wax they have that is higher than high. They may get business from some other large candle companies, but they are still going to lose a lot of business. How is this going to affect them? Maybe down the road they will have to reduce the prices for their own benefit. However, I am not sure how it all works, but maybe things will get better later on. The only thing I worry about, is all types of waxes going way too high and forces us little guys out if customers are not willing to pay increased candle prices to that extent. :undecided

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The only thing I worry about, is all types of waxes going way too high and forces us little guys out if customers are not willing to pay increased candle prices to that extent. :undecided

That is a major concern for all of us...:undecided

I do this full-time because it is a way to stay home with my children and earn a decent income. (Plus I enjoy what I do):cool2:

But if if costs to much to make candles in the future, I will find something else to make instead..

Maybe doggie treats... They are light weight and sell like crazy at farmers markets and craft shows!!! :D

I will play out this year, see if my candle price increase effects my sales, and watch the rising cost of supplies.. :tongue2: It is very upsetting..

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