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making a new scent


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I find what works best for me is to mix small amounts in a small bottle, that way if you think it needs little more of one you can add it. Just keep good notes. I never could get nothing using q tips.

Right now I have a couple of bottles sitting around and just keep sniffing them and seeing what they need. Add a little of this and a little of that!!

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I find what works best for me is to mix small amounts in a small bottle, that way if you think it needs little more of one you can add it. Just keep good notes. I never could get nothing using q tips.

Right now I have a couple of bottles sitting around and just keep sniffing them and seeing what they need. Add a little of this and a little of that!!

That's a good way to do it, grama. I save my pimento jars for this.

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I custom blend about 75% of my fragrances. I started out doing the q-tip method but quickly stopped. Q-tips just don't give you an accurate sensory reading-- just a so-so idea.

I then began mixing fragrances in small vials or in the empty sample bottles I had.

But by far the best method I have found is to let yourself go and try out what you think may smell good and put it in your application. I discovered a lot of great ideas this way and eventually I can now smell a fragrance and pretty much know what I can mix with it. But it took mixing samples for many months to get a good 'nose' for it.

And don't be afraid to try scent combos that seem plain crazy. I have also gotten some great scents out of 'accidents' by mixing the wrong things. I love experimenting with scent.

My latest combo-- strawberry rhubarb and aloe body wash. I gave it a spa themed name and it sells like hotcakes.

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I like what Candybee said. Cause I can't do all this waiting and mixing in plastic bags or anything.

First thing I do is hold the bottles together. I can pretty much tell right away if the smells go together or not. Then I can kinda of get a sense of which scent should be stronger by moving bottles a little farther away from each other.

You may not get a totally awesome blends using my method but I'm usually never disappointed and I can tweek it a little more in the next batch.



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Well I have made some mistakes that smell wonderful. I pour in the scent, then run to the register. When I get:yay: back, I think I need to pour in the scent. So I get another scent and put it in the hot wax. Stir it up and realize it smells different, and everytime really good. Of course I have to add more wax, but scents blend well. I have 3 top sellers that were mistakes. Sometimes I take 2 or 3 bottles and run them back and forth in front of my nose together. Kinda gives you an idea if they would match up. It is alot of fun mixing. Just write them down.

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