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YIKES! Price of wax....

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I've been away from candlemaking for a while, and finally the urge became too strong and I had to get back to it. But boy, was I surprised to see how the prices of wax and FO's have risen! :eek:

What did I expect, huh? Everything else has gone up...... :wink2:

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Sometime in 2006. I paid $50 for 4045H and the shipping was around $16. I ordered yesterday and paid $63 for wax and $26 for shipping.

The FO's I usually order have gone up about $3/lb.....

I suppose it's not that much in the grand scheme of things, but I was surprised!

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Wax is on the constant increase it seems. I bought IGI 6006 in Feb for 64.00 or so for 60 pounds. On June 8th it was $80.40 per 60 lb case and now it's 84.60 per 60 pound case. I don't know if it keeps going up if I will even be able to stay in business as everyone is slowing their buying habits on candles now including my wholesale accounts........sigh

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Just last week I stocked up on wax. My supplier was kind enough to warn their customers of the latest price increase. I bought 12 cases before a $18.00 per case increase. I hope it lasts me thru Christmas, I will cringe when I gotta get my next batch :tiptoe: Lucky for me I can drive a couple hours to save on the shipping costs. We may not eat until then but I got wax :laugh2:

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I seen a lot of these threads, and I was curious about the 4630. I order from Peaks. I ordered something like 6 cases of it last year, and a few cases each of pillar/votive wax, etc.

I was going over my spreadsheets. This is my order from last year.

Single Pour Container Wax-4630A-CASE $61.48 That was the first price for my testing.

The same thing now... $81.57

A more than 20 dollar increase in just over a year. Most of it coming it seems within the last 3 months. Thank god I can pick it up if I need to. (Still got 2 cases left though, pshew.)

(Not blaming Peaks of course, but since they are who I used, that's the only figures I had from last year.)

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