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I am atleast trying to get some software code written so that we can save our sites. If they cancel now, then there is no chance of any site being saved......

Kudos to you Adam, you have knowledge beyond your years. You are controlled when things aren't working out right and thinking logically. I am sure in a few years you are going to get far being so level headed.

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It was already established they can't transfer the site.

One of two choices, be level-headed and copy and save what you can; or be rash, terminate with HCM and recover nothing. I think people can make their own logical choices.

I know what I would be doing--the same thing Adam is doing instead of just throwing away everything in the heat of the moment.

I stand by what I said to Adam, it makes the difference to be able to sit back, without emotion and take action versus throwing the towel in because you are upset. Getting emotional gets you nowhere fast.

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Obviously, Di, you don't have a site and don't know what he's talking about. He's trying to get Frank to release software, like that's gonna happen, lol. He's not talking about saving what's right in front of his nose.

Presumably, everyone has their photos on their hard drives or Photobucket, or somewhere besides on HCM's server. The text and dropdowns will have to be redone, as will the format/template. It's not quite as bad as starting over, but it's darned close.

Maybe HCM will do the right thing. Now that would be a first! lol

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Sliver, I never once thought that what happened to you was funny in the least. Your situation was what made me apprehensive about HCM from the start. I acknowledge that I did not pay attention as seriously as I should have back then and let others convince me otherwise. I'm just glad that I got out when I did.

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Sliver, I never once thought that what happened to you was funny in the least. Your situation was what made me apprehensive about HCM from the start. I acknowledge that I did not pay attention as seriously as I should have back then and let others convince me otherwise. I'm just glad that I got out when I did.

Thank you. I appreciate that. And believe it or not, I feel badly for those going through this now. Well.....most of them. lolol

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Well you can take it for what it's worth but I sincerely apologize for what you went through. I think it was a bit different though. You didnt get notice did you? At least we have some time to act on this so I would assume yours was worse than what we are going through.

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Ok, well I missed the memo about HCM being bad...so I am one of the suckers who paid LIFETIME...I emailed frank after his announcement and asked about it and he said it would still be in affect with the new ownership?

So you all can PM and tell me privately if I need to be acting as if the sky is falling...I wanted to redo a lot, well nearly everything on my site so I will sit and wait....

ETA - I wanted to say that for the most part my experience with frank and HCM has been good, the only negative things being he sometimes has not returned an email, but I just bug him again and he does. I've liked having my site hosted with them.

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Here is a serious issue to undertake, YOU CAN'T BACKUP your site. The site was built on the oscommerce platform so in order to use it you need that platform. Oscommerce is easy to get and all of your files are easy to back up but Frank has set up his system so the SQL database for you site is on his domain name which keeps you from having access to that vital piece of information. I am in the process of seeing just what I can do to remedy my situation.

If you'd have asked, i'd have told you. But i'll post it here just in case anyone else has the same question. ;)

From your cPanel, click on phpMyAdmin.. then click on your database.. it should be called 'hcmDB', then click the 'export' button.

That makes a full backup of your MySQL database.

I've not tried to load the database into a unmodded copy of osCommerce.. you'd likely have to go with someting like oscMax (which is just osCommerce loaded with a bunch of mods)

Now as to the hcmPro database not being drop in compatible with any other DIY builder.. what's new with that? If you left DIY eStores to go to an Option Cart sitebuilder (or vice versa) the backups wouldn't be interchangeable, either.

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If you'd have asked, i'd have told you. But i'll post it here just in case anyone else has the same question. ;)

From your cPanel, click on phpMyAdmin.. then click on your database.. it should be called 'hcmDB', then click the 'export' button.

That makes a full backup of your MySQL database.

I've not tried to load the database into a unmodded copy of osCommerce.. you'd likely have to go with someting like oscMax (which is just osCommerce loaded with a bunch of mods)

Now as to the hcmPro database not being drop in compatible with any other DIY builder.. what's new with that? If you left DIY eStores to go to an Option Cart sitebuilder (or vice versa) the backups wouldn't be interchangeable, either.

You would definitely have to go with osCMax seeing as how their code is what you have used to power your shopping cart.

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Really though, I already feel screwed. I have been paying 9.99 and 14.99 a month for shopping cart software that is completely open source meaning I could have gotten it for free and paid for hosting which can easily be found for less than $5 a month.

hcmPro is NOT completely open source.

The big problem with osCommerce and it's various branches (like oscMax, Zen Cart, etc) is that it's difficult to change layouts, add and remove static pages, etc.

hcmPro is a fully modded version of osCommerce with a custom built back end making it easy for average users to quickly maintain their website.

That's kind of like one of your clients saying they feel like they got ripped off for paying $9 for one of your candles when they could have gotten the stuff to make it for $4, poured it in an old mayo jar and made it themselves.

It isn't even the same end product.

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hcmPro is NOT completely open source.

The big problem with osCommerce and it's various branches (like oscMax, Zen Cart, etc) is that it's difficult to change layouts, add and remove static pages, etc.

hcmPro is a fully modded version of osCommerce with a custom built back end making it easy for average users to quickly maintain their website.

That's kind of like one of your clients saying they feel like they got ripped off for paying $9 for one of your candles when they could have gotten the stuff to make it for $4, poured it in an old mayo jar and made it themselves.

It isn't even the same end product.

Whens the last time you took a look at the GNU Frank?

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I think what may be hanging you up here is that I never distributed the software. Had I distributed hcmPro as a product, i'd be allowed to sell it for whatever I liked, but since portions of the code were released under GNU, the software could then be freely distributed.. including my code.

But hcmPro was never distributed. It was packaged as a service hosted and installed by me on my server.

You mentioned low cost hosting alternatives, and i've hosted many accounts for $4.99 for clients who want to use plain Zen Cart, or osCommerce.. in fact, those accounts include Fantastico so the client can install the software themselves.

Zen Cart or osCommerce as stock are definitely not 'do it yourself' options for most individuals interested in building a website.

osCommerce with lots of mods, and the code that I wrote is.

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I am not gonna argue over this with you. By placing the software on a domain that I own, you distributed. You made it available to me...

There's where you're mistaken. I placed the software on a SERVER that I own that your domain happens to POINT to.

It was never distributed.

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I think what may be hanging you up here is that I never distributed the software. Had I distributed hcmPro as a product, i'd be allowed to sell it for whatever I liked, but since portions of the code were released under GNU, the software could then be freely distributed.. including my code.

But hcmPro was never distributed. It was packaged as a service hosted and installed by me on my server.

You mentioned low cost hosting alternatives, and i've hosted many accounts for $4.99 for clients who want to use plain Zen Cart, or osCommerce.. in fact, those accounts include Fantastico so the client can install the software themselves.

Zen Cart or osCommerce as stock are definitely not 'do it yourself' options for most individuals interested in building a website.

osCommerce with lots of mods, and the code that I wrote is.

Completely untrue. OSCommerce is VERY easy to maintain. I'm VERY minute in my coding and html skills to base from ground up, I can't do flash or fancies, but I can make a good webpage. Regardless - you STILL used it in some fashion. Which means you took FREE and are charging an arm and a leg.

By working in PM's with a few of your customers - you are using free software, and using Yahoo to host. Basically, you are charging out the booty to be a middle man for what people could do themselves. Install the software and pay Yahoo 10 bucks a month. Given what I've read on your customer service - I'd take my chances with Yahoo. :laugh2:

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