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Do any of you HCM users know what the status of the HCM updates is? I tried to e-mail the staff but haven't received any response. I'm not sure they received my e-mail. I didn't want to bother Sharon since I just learned of her illness. Any updates you can provide me regarding the status of HCM in general would be much appreciated. Thank you.

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I heard that the business was being sold. It was too much for him to handle. Either way, someone should still be providing support. I have been researching cheaper options and from what I have found, HCM seems to be completely Zen Cart Based. Install zen cart and then open the HCM admin panel. Different look but the exact same menus, platform.

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Wait, what?? It was sold? How come I am just hearing about this? I am totally dumbfounded when it comes to my website besides how to get in and check orders. So.. does this mean my website is gonna vanish? Who do I give my payment to each month? Ughhh I really hate to have to start over. This is gonna suck..

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Yep Frank sent out a letter to everyone last week or the week before (look in your spam folder from Frank@mazbo.com or something like that) saying he was selling HCM and starting something new.... but retaining the HCM customers. He also said (again.. he said this in April too and never did it) that there were some updates about to be installed. I am in the process of researching other servers because of the nonexistent help with problems or issues.

Christina... I would suggest backing the entire site up just in case.

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Well damn! LOL yeah I know some of you warned us but that is beside the point right now. I guess I am screwed and up shit's creek because right now, I am new house poor and I can't afford to pay someone to redo my website. ARGHHHHHHHHHHH I will hang on to this one until I can figure something out!

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Here is a serious issue to undertake, YOU CAN'T BACKUP your site. The site was built on the oscommerce platform so in order to use it you need that platform. Oscommerce is easy to get and all of your files are easy to back up but Frank has set up his system so the SQL database for you site is on his domain name which keeps you from having access to that vital piece of information. I am in the process of seeing just what I can do to remedy my situation.

One thing you can help by doing is downloading some FTP software and downloading the publichtml folder from your website. It will be pretty big but at least you will have something.

I am going to contact frank and see if he will willingly hand me a copy of my SQL database. If not, I am screwed.

Really though, I already feel screwed. I have been paying 9.99 and 14.99 a month for shopping cart software that is completely open source meaning I could have gotten it for free and paid for hosting which can easily be found for less than $5 a month.

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Yep Frank sent out a letter to everyone last week or the week before (look in your spam folder from Frank@mazbo.com or something like that) saying he was selling HCM and starting something new.... but retaining the HCM customers. He also said (again.. he said this in April too and never did it) that there were some updates about to be installed. I am in the process of researching other servers because of the nonexistent help with problems or issues.

Christina... I would suggest backing the entire site up just in case.

That is assuming he will have customers left and from the sounds of it, I don't think he will.

What goes around, come around.

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I did not have a website with this guy, but I was helping someone who did. He was NOT helpful in any way and a lot of the time he was downright rude or didn't even respond. I just find it awful what he's doing right now as far as the current customers he DOES have.

Meredith, I think you said that very nicely. Again, I don't have service through him, but what I have experienced in trying to help someone else has not been pleasant.

And Southern, yes-- you were 'gipped. I saw the backend and thought it looked A LOT like ZenCart. Trying to tell someone who doesn't have any knowledge of html or servers or hosting that they're being overcharged and taking bad customer service is hard when they've got an established site. I really feel for those of you who are dealing with this.

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Geez, I didn't get that email and have another paid up year with good old Frank. No wonder he offered me a lifetime of hosting since he never intended to keep his word. About the only thing he's good for is ripping you off for a quick buck.

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Geez, I didn't get that email and have another paid up year with good old Frank. No wonder he offered me a lifetime of hosting since he never intended to keep his word. About the only thing he's good for is ripping you off for a quick buck.

Yep, I am seeing that now.. Damn, I was so freaking stupid!!!!!!!!!!

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This is total news to me. So are you saying that if I go with another hosting server I won't be able to transfer all of my actual website to that new host? That all of this hard work I've done is down the damn toilet? :mad:

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This is total news to me. So are you saying that if I go with another hosting server I won't be able to transfer all of my actual website to that new host? That all of this hard work I've done is down the damn toilet? :mad:

As of now, no you won't but I am working hard to see what options are available for all of us.

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Here is a CP of the letter for those that didnt get it..... I imagine it went into spam folders because there was nothing in the subject line. His new email address is frank@mazbo.com.


What a year it's been!

Between three moves in the last 6 months, a bout with the flu, and my current go round with Poison Ivy.. i've been slow to implement many of the updates and changes that i'd planned for the hcmPro software.

In order to focus on client requests and software development, i've decided to sell HandcraftMarket.com and the hcmPro software.

I will be retaining all current HandcraftMarket.com clients, and in the next week will begin implementing many of the software updates and changes originally planned for hcmPro.. which will eventually be folded into my next software release, MazboShops.

In the meantime, please direct all concerns, questions, and comments to: frank@mazbo.com



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Well southern.scents- I tried doing what you told me to do, well hubby tried and it failed. Seems he has blocked us all from being able to do that kind of stuff. The best I can say that I did was copy and paste into a document everything I have written on my site plus I have the pictures. I have several people who have been kind enough to talk to me about all this through private messages and emails. I am still gathering my thoughts to see what I am going to do. Thank you all for the helpful information. I feel soooo freaking dumb right now. And unfortunetly, I dont think we can do a thing about it! I guess I will cancel my subscription soon. UGH!:mad:

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Man I tell you what I am really P*SS*D about this is all I can say. I don't have the time to copy and paste everything from there but I guess I'm just going to have to find the DAMN time before there is nothing there to copy. :angry2::mad:

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I tried to get into HCM a few months ago, and I paid, and follow up was horrible. I changed my nameservers as instructed, and my site was down for a week and nothing. So, I changed them back to my old host, and then he emails me that I did not change my servers, so there was going to be another delay. At that point, I let him keep the month I paid, and I cancelled and stayed with my current host. Guess it was a smart move on my part.

Good luck everyone, this really sucks!

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I knew that a thread such as this was bound to happen. I was just surprised that it took as long as it did.

Birdielovr, be glad it was only a month. I got ripped off for a year's subscription. HCM won the pp dispute, so that's that. I learned a valuable lesson about trusting someone's word just because of the recommendations of others on this board. I ignored the warning signs. HCM flies just under the radar, so never take what is promised as the truth. Watch your subscriptions carefully.

What baffles me is that Frank very smugly bragged to me about how many clients are with HCM and that I was the only unhappy one. It was also clear to me that he got a chuckle over being able to keep my $$ legally since I was so gullible.

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I don't think anyone should start jumping to cancel their subscription just yet.

Oh, Adam, for God's sake, let them get out while they can and before more of their money disappears.

This is standard operating procedure for HCM and has been since I beta tested for them in the beginning.

Deal with it, get out, move on.

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