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Patchouli preference(s)?

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I've been working on some formulations for lotion and so far the reception has been wonderful at work! :) I've decided to scent the testers to something they like and have been asked to do patchouli. I've never smelled this before and have no idea what makes a good one since I'm assuming not all patchouli is the same. Also, is it just EO or do they make it as a FO also?

Anyone have scents that they feel smells just like it and if there are any good combos of it available and where? I know I've seen raspberry and patchouli floating around which sounds really nice! I need to find straight patchouli too. Your help is appreciated!!!

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I get mine from WSP. The only one I have ever used. Greenleaf has some really good Patch blends. I prefer the blends over the straight FO.

I read from one of the suppliers - don't remember which that Patch had really gone up in pricing. WSP patch is 34.00 for 16 oz and is B&B safe

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Thanks for the recommendations! I will try those out. :D

Grama--the one from WSP, in your opinion smells like the real deal? I suppose I could go to my local organic place to see if they've got some EO, but I'd prefer to do FO since I use them currently and just don't know how to work with EO's yet.

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I have never smelled Patch before, but I have repeat orders for this. After seeing the price of the EO - Whow, yeah, I would just go with the fo. I use 1oz pp and it is strong to me. I use in Paraffin 4786 & 4625

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I agree with jan and I just started using the eo and I just love it. I buy it at my local herbal store & it's pretty cheap compared to the online price. I'm wondering too if the fo is just as good, because I never smelled patch fo before.

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Hey thanks everyone for your input on this. I had no idea where to even start, but I think I'll start by smelling out the EO in my local organic shop first. I'm going to start looking for the blends too cause again, that rasp patchouli sounded really nice!

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I second Peaks Patchouli. I absolutly HATE Patchouli...smells like armpits to me...but I live in a very artsy town these tree huggers love the stuff!...lol I did use Tristates and it was a TRUE Patch....but unfortunatly they changed theirs and I had to look elsewhere. Peak has the closest true Patchouli I have come across.

I mix my own Raspberry Patchouli. 1 part Raspberry to 2 parts Patch.

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I have purchased mine from WSP & Peak's, they both smell the same, I am not a Patchouli person but I do sell it to the same ladies all the time. One of the ladies name is Mary, she asked if I had the fragrance oil, I told her no, but I would get it and it would take me awhile to test it and then I would give her a call. She was really happy to hear from me and I put on the label Mary's Patchouli - She loved it, so that is what I call it now, she buys about 5 or 6 at a time and loves it, she even has some of her co-worker's ordering it from me now.

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THis is a great thread! I have never really been a patchouli girl myself. The smell of the straight EO is to cloying to me. However, in one of my swaps, I got a patchouli blend soap that smelled amazing. So a few weeks ago, I got some patchouli EO and blended it with sweet orange EO and black pepper FO from SW and the result was AMAZING!!!!! You can clearly smell the pachouli, but man the citrus and spice really make this one a winner. I am curious if patchouli FO is as good of a citrus anchor as the EO though...

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