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citronella container ?

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What do you all use for citronella candle containers?

I was going to buy a bunch of the 12oz terra cotta patio pots from C&S but they are sold out.

The pool place and I were talking about them, and he'd love to see them in the store with some different scents mixed in. I let him know i've got to test them all first once i find some containers =/

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I use the large oval metal ones from dollar tree. They have flowers and a bumble bee or dragonfly I think. I didn't chance the seams leaking and coated the inside with Modge Podge first. The are about 1 ft wide and I use 3 wicks. Boy do the put out a LOT of scent :grin2:

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Thanks A! fo the post! I was just thinking the same thing! We've been fine out here in the country...no flies, no bees....then BAM! Flies everywhere today!

Got out my "old" store bought citronella candle, melted all to H*LL in storage.....Orderdced some FO and will be making some for me!



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When pouring in terra cotta pots, should you coat them with something first? I'm thinking I read someplace that they could catch on fire. Thank you.

Most definitely! Think of the clay like a solid wick :shocked2:

The best I've seen is the Modge Podge. I used 3 thin coats. Personally I stopped using the clay. I have a small votive sized one that turned a bit brown on one side of the top. I test burned in a drafty area. Sooo.. it does seal it, but now I question if the coating would be flammable or if it would just "bake" it. And it it bakes long enough, would it chip and let the clay soak up the wax anyway? I don't know if it has something to do with the terracotta underneath or not because the tin buckets I've sealed never got any brown areas. Just too much trouble for me to test thorough enough to feel comfortable selling.

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I think if you're going to use terra cotta pots for citronella candles (which usually have a bigger wick) you should probably use the ones that have a fired sealant on the inside.

I make terra cotta pots for candles (small ones) and use the modge podge to seal them, but I'm also using smaller wicks with these and will NOT under any circumstances refill these after they've been burned once (except for myself).

As for the tins, seamless would be best, but I also paint the seamed tins with modge podge, but then again, the ones I use are smaller, so again, smaller wicks. ;)

You CAN find seamless buckets for these candles, I've seen citronella candles in these, so some supplier has to have them-just a matter of hunting them down (which is such a PITA).

Good luck, and if you find some, please share. ;)

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