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Has anyone tested the 6036?

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I've been working with it for about a month now and I'm wondering if anyone else has. I only found 3 threads on it when I did a search and nothing about testing it. It's a 50/50 from IGI. It's my first parasoy blend and so far I am happy with it. Good HT and it is very consistent to work with. Great creamy appearance and holds color well with no frosting.

Anyone else?

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Not yet....but could be a possibility!! Nothing is out of the question in the search for a perfect wax!!;)

So how do you like it so far? How is the throw?? Do you have to cure it? Are you scenting with the 7% max?


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I tested the 6036 about a month ago. I was pleased with it, but not enough to change from IGI-6006 to it. It did have a good CT and HT. I thought it burned slower than the 6006, which would not be a bad thing. I hope to go back to testing it more in a week or so.


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I just started testing it and so far I'm happy with it...nice HT and Ct consisitant burn...right now Im testing with LX and Zinc wicks it may be a keeper for me and a replacement for another 50/50 I was using that had cracking issues.

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Not yet....but could be a possibility!! Nothing is out of the question in the search for a perfect wax!!;)

So how do you like it so far? How is the throw?? Do you have to cure it? Are you scenting with the 7% max?


I like it. After all of my endless testing with soy I was shocked at how easy the 6036 was. I've had smooth pours, no cracking and no frosting each and every time. I've been using CDN wicks and I'm testing Ecos with it today just out of curiousity. I've been getting some large flames and minor sooting and I've tried wicking up and down.

I've only used the 7% FO and the HT and CT are good. It's almost like using the CBA but with a consistent and much better HT. (and that's with no cure time)

I think it might be a keeper for me.

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Sounds good. Please let me know how the ECO's do. I am going to order a sample of this next week after we get settled.

I would much rather NOT mix if I can get by with it. The HT from the 6006 is gonna be hard to beat. Did you say you tested the 6006?? I cant remember....my brain is fried from all the testing lately!!:grin2:


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Sounds good. Please let me know how the ECO's do. I am going to order a sample of this next week after we get settled.

I would much rather NOT mix if I can get by with it. The HT from the 6006 is gonna be hard to beat. Did you say you tested the 6006?? I cant remember....my brain is fried from all the testing lately!!:grin2:


No, I haven't tried the 6006 yet. I think I'm going to work my way up and get a sample from CS the next time I order my 6036. The 6036 is so easy I feel I need to test something else for a challenge. ;) I'll post how the ecos work with this wax.

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I've been working with it for about a month now and I'm wondering if anyone else has. I only found 3 threads on it when I did a search and nothing about testing it. It's a 50/50 from IGI. It's my first parasoy blend and so far I am happy with it. Good HT and it is very consistent to work with. Great creamy appearance and holds color well with no frosting.

Anyone else?

Who carries this wax? I checked Let It Shine over here on the west coast and they do not have it. I just sent them an email to see if they will be carrying it or do but just don't have it on their website. I also checked Peaks, and I did not see it here either. Thanks.


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Who carries this wax? I checked Let It Shine over here on the west coast and they do not have it. I just sent them an email to see if they will be carrying it or do but just don't have it on their website. I also checked Peaks, and I did not see it here either. Thanks.


Candle Science I think is the only one carrying it right now. HTH

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I emailed Let It Shine and they do have it, but it is not on their site. If I am correct, he said it is $1.555 per case, which must mean per pound. Not sure how many pounds are in a case with this wax.

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I emailed Let It Shine and they do have it, but it is not on their site. If I am correct, he said it is $1.555 per case, which must mean per pound. Not sure how many pounds are in a case with this wax.

I checked CS and they sell it in 60lb boxes. I dont know where you live in WA so I used yakima zip code and for 101.93 you can get a case from CS. LIS said it is 1.55 lb so for 60lbs that is 93.00 There is no way you can get it cheaper from LIS unless you can pick it up. It most likely costs you 15-20.00 to have a case shipped.


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I checked CS and they sell it in 60lb boxes. I dont know where you live in WA so I used yakima zip code and for 101.93 you can get a case from CS. LIS said it is 1.55 lb so for 60lbs that is 93.00 There is no way you can get it cheaper from LIS unless you can pick it up. It most likely costs you 15-20.00 to have a case shipped.


Thanks Tootie. That does sound better. I did run a price check on another wax (that I need) which I can get either at Peaks or LIS and even though Peaks is further away it would cost me a little less to get it at Peaks because the case is cheaper and the shipping is not bad enough to put it over LIS.

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Great creamy appearance and holds color well with no frosting.

If you do not mind me asking are you using color chips or liquid dye?

This 6036 sound like what I am looking for. I have been testing with 464 and I HATE the frosting. But the creamy smooth texture and CT/HT I love.

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If you do not mind me asking are you using color chips or liquid dye?

This 6036 sound like what I am looking for. I have been testing with 464 and I HATE the frosting. But the creamy smooth texture and CT/HT I love.

I use the solid block dyes and liquid. It depends on the color. I prefer the liquid and as soon as I use up the last of the blocks I'm discontinuing them.

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You all that are testing this wax PLEASE post on how you like it. Especially if you are NOT mixing it with anything else. I LOVE the IGI 6006 alone. The HT and CT will be hard to beat. I know the 6036 has more soy in it, so that makes me want to test it.

Keep us updated please!!


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I poured some testers around 8:30 this morning. The appearance is GREAT! so far anyway! Creamy appearance and smooth tops! No frosting.

I made two 4 oz jj with 6% CS Cranberry Marmalade FO and wicked with a CD 8 and a LX 16.

I also made a Libbey Heart Dish with 6% CS Mullberry FO and triple wicked with LX 26's.

And I poured a small Libbey Cube with 6% CS Peppermint Eucalyptus FO and wicked with a LX 26.

I am going to test ST with the cranberry marmalade tommorrow. I know it is great thrower and I tested that scent the next day with 464 and it was awesome. Hopefully I am close to the right wick size.

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Ahhhh... This wax is wonderful.

This scent throw from this wax is very comparable to the scent throw of 464 IMO. Great! The cranberry marmalade from CS added at 6% had a great CT/HT and I started the test burn only 1 day after pouring.

I think it is a keeper for me. Great appearance before and after the burn, NO FROST, and it's cheaper! WooHoo! The only con was I got a few wetspots. But I can handle the wetspots alot better than the frosting. I think the remedy for the wetspots might be to warm the jars before pouring or adding CO so that will be some more testing. On this initial test I was mainly testing scent throw and for the frosting but a little wick testing too.

On my first test burn, the 4oz jj's both acheived a great melt pool in two and a half hours. Nice, clean burn.

I had a nice test burn with the heart dish as well. I do think I might could wick down a size smaller than the LX 26 though.

The wicking for the small Libbey cube was not right. LOL Got to wick way up.

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