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Guess what I got for Mother's Day?

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I bought both presto pots at thrift stores for about $5 each. I told them that if they trash them, no big loss, I could find another one! I usually use a ladel but this is going to be nice.

And thanks for the tip about making sure it's closed. That sounds like something I would to!

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If you've never used them before, you'll love them!! Just remember to make sure you close the spigot all the way before putting wax in to melt!! :lipsrseal

(just something I learned :laugh2: )

I learned the same lesson too, the hard way of course. I couldn't hear the sound of the wax running out over the sound of my fish tanks filter running water back into the tank.

Oh well, lol live and learn.

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Good for you! You will love the spigots, I hate ladeling now from the pots that don't have spigots.

I'm right up there with Steph and Jennifer leaving the spigot on and pouring in more wax to melt...duh! Another helpful hint...put the pot on a cookie sheet just in case that spigot leaks when you first use it. Mine had to be sealed with a high temp sealer to get it to stop leaking where the threads are.

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