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Weekend Plans?

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I am not doing anything this weekend. We have a place in New Hampshire and we are headed there to open it up! :yay: I can't wait to get up there. Our home away from all the craziness of everyday stress. It is a sure sign of the nicer warmer weather. My birthday was Wens. and got a great GC for my favorite quilt shop up there so I will spend a few hours picking out fabrics for a new project! Hope everyone has a great selling weekend at you shows if you are doing one. All the Mom's have a great Mothers day, and all the soaps you make come out prefect.

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So much restocking to do..... Jewelweed soap & salve, salt bars (Clean Cotton & Lime eo), Lavender eo, Gardenia, White Rose & Bergamot. Hopefully I'll get enough done that I can relax for Mother's Day. Hope it's a happy day for everyone!


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OMG I have some new fragrances from Southern Soapers and OT that I want to soap. But more than anything, I want to soap these ones I got from a supplier I've never used before - Old Timer and Lily. I'm trying to decide right now which one to soap. DH picked out Blueberry and Honeysuckle which smell wonderful. The White Jasmine and Mint smells delicious but so does the Kumquat as does the Sand Verbena. Oh I just don't know..................................

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OK wait a minute Meridith lol ... what'd you get from SS? Not that I want to hear about OT&L (I do shhh), you've got some FOs that might be of interest here (Jasmine & mint?)

My weekend ... let's see, after a month or so of being limited to what I can lift, I think my arm is healing enough that I can do an unscented batch of soap, must make this milk kind of soap for a swap, wrap some bombs (one which I fear will definitely fizzle as far as bubbles) and get some lip stuff made. (Time to play with the flavor oil)

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OK wait a minute Meridith lol ... what'd you get from SS? Not that I want to hear about OT&L (I do shhh), you've got some FOs that might be of interest here (Jasmine & mint?)

My weekend ... let's see, after a month or so of being limited to what I can lift, I think my arm is healing enough that I can do an unscented batch of soap, must make this milk kind of soap for a swap, wrap some bombs (one which I fear will definitely fizzle as far as bubbles) and get some lip stuff made. (Time to play with the flavor oil)

I got Stonehenge Runes, Gingered Lemon Honey, Ginseng Ylang and Blue Chamomile from SS. The Ginseng Ylang so far is my favorite just based on OOB.

I ended up soaping OT&L Blueberry Honeysuckle. It behaved like a perfect lady, I had plenty of time to play. I can't wait to unmold this one and see how it smells and how it looks. I swirled Blue and Green Pop and some lemon yellow from SS.

You know you want to try OT&L. You know you do. I think I heard some of their fOs calling your name. :P

I'm sorry to hear that you've had an owie. I hope you are healed enough to get your stuff made. Tomorrow, I work on more of my cowboy soaps for this summer. I think I will also try to make a hempy liquid soap. And then I will also be wanting try another one of my new FOs.

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We are getting molds made and cutters finished for the Tennessee Soap Gathering next weekend. I am also bagging up 100 pounds of lye to take, since I am going to start selling it online. Too much to get done in 6 days! I forgot, I have to finish my Paul's RTCP Tutorial for my demo there!:undecided


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Ah thanks for the thoughts about my arm. It's been a year-old problem, but one that's finally getting better, though my wallet isn't getting ultrasound done on it lol.

It's that white jasmine and mint one that caught my attention. I took a look over there, but that's all I did was look lol.

I got that stonehenge runes one awhile back and I think it will mature into something interesting. Hoping so, but I've got maybe half of her scents now and I better start doing something with them ... though there's this take 5 special over there that could draw some cash out of me ... :tiptoe:

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I have never tried OT&L either. Those fos sound great. Does the Blueberry Honeysuckle have a fruity scent more than floral?

Scented, hope your arm is better and you are able to get some things done..

It is hard to say since I can pick up both of them. They blend together nicely too. I'll let you know how it smells when I unmold the soap. I was pleasantly surprised how nice this combo is.

Ah thanks for the thoughts about my arm. It's been a year-old problem, but one that's finally getting better, though my wallet isn't getting ultrasound done on it lol.

It's that white jasmine and mint one that caught my attention. I took a look over there, but that's all I did was look lol.

I got that stonehenge runes one awhile back and I think it will mature into something interesting. Hoping so, but I've got maybe half of her scents now and I better start doing something with them ... though there's this take 5 special over there that could draw some cash out of me ... :tiptoe:

Yeah I am not sure about the Stonehenge scent yet but we'll see once I get into something. From the batch of scents I got from SS, I am most interested in and liking best the Ginseng Ylang.

From OT&L, I've got to tell you that the Jasmine Mint smells wonderful OOB. It too is a nice blend. That was the one I was really wanting to soap most but DH really wanted me to soap the Blueberry & Honeysuckle. The Kumquat is calling my name as well. Actually, there was not one FO I received from OT&L that I did not like OOB. They all smell so wonderful.

OT&L prices are very reasonable, the FOs are specifically designed for CP but can be used in other applications, and their CS and shipping times were great.

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Depending on my lye situation - it's getting seriously low and I haven't called the chemical company to let them know I need to come by, they require at least a 24 hour notice - I will soap a couple of batches. I'm also seriously low on oils, even though I just put a large order in at both MMS and SC.

Anyway, I'll be doing for the first time a couple of 100% lard batches just to see how it soaps and how I like the feel of it once cured. I'm going to also TRY and do the "dot to heart" swirl technique of SOAPFREAK's and see how that turns out.

That's about it for me this weekend. I need to make myself some salt scrub too, but until my oils come in I have to put that on the back burner...

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I have to work Sat & Sun but I did get a batch of soap made today. I tried RTCP for the first time and it started globbing up on me pretty quickly.....I'm thinking tomorrow I will be rebatching! :sad2: I also want to play with some Rose Hydrosol I've had around the house...hmmmm...what to make, what to make? :confused: LOL I wish I had bought more of this stuff....LOVE the smell of it! Well, I have to hit the shower and then off to work!!! Have fun soapin', guys, and may the soap fairies be on vacation this weekend! Take that, fairies!----> :P

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Depending on my lye situation - it's getting seriously low and I haven't called the chemical company to let them know I need to come by, they require at least a 24 hour notice - I will soap a couple of batches.

Anyway, I'll be doing for the first time a couple of 100% lard batches just to see how it soaps and how I like the feel of it once cured. I'm going to also TRY and do the "dot to heart" swirl technique of SOAPFREAK's and see how that turns out.

Well, I did it and put the pics in the gallery. I was only able to make 1 - 2lb batch though because I had only a few grams of lye left after this batch. LOL I knew I was low I just didn't know how low...

Anyway, I'm not sure I like 100% lard while making soap. We'll see how it feels after cure...

So since no more lye and no oils, I'm done soapmaking for the weekend. :)

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From OT&L, I've got to tell you that the Jasmine Mint smells wonderful OOB. It too is a nice blend. That was the one I was really wanting to soap most but DH really wanted me to soap the Blueberry & Honeysuckle.

Pretend I'm hubby (LMAO) "We need that Jasmine Mint in something quickly as Scented needs a whiff." (You have to imagine a deep voice there lol).

Looks like I best get off my bootie and make up a lot of things as Rockin was doing a show (in the cold and rain and we're apparently doing better than last year.) This is starting to scare me.

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Pretend I'm hubby (LMAO) "We need that Jasmine Mint in something quickly as Scented needs a whiff." (You have to imagine a deep voice there lol).

Looks like I best get off my bootie and make up a lot of things as Rockin was doing a show (in the cold and rain and we're apparently doing better than last year.) This is starting to scare me.

All day I have been trying to get another batch of soap done but I've been busy in the shop with last minute Mother's Day gifts. I did manage to get in a batch of cowboy soaps scented with "Leather and Lace." I'll try to get the WJ&M done ASAP but with tomorrow being Mother's Day and I am sort of expected to spend the day with family (darn it! LOL), I can not promise when. But soon. Ill let you know.

I have never tried OT&L either. Those fos sound great. Does the Blueberry Honeysuckle have a fruity scent more than floral?

Scented, hope your arm is better and you are able to get some things done..

I've unmolded the soap and it smells wonderful. I can not tell which scent comes through the most; DH can not either. These 2 fragrances play off of each other wonderfully. The honeysuckle softens the tartness of the blueberry and the blueberry cuts down on the florally aspect of the honeysuckle that gives a headache to some that do not like florals. One sniff, and you can really pick up the blueberries but the next sniff, you get the honeysuckle.

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Meridith, what does the Leather and Lace smell like? I'm thinking that's one I'd like to try out, did you get it from OT & L's?

The Leather and Lace was not from OT&L. It is from GL. It is a blend of leather and vanilla. It will turn dark and moves a bit fast but nothing that is not controllable - just be sure to not lallygag when you soaping and soap cool. I still take a 36% water discount and I can get my CP mixture into my MW molds. You should have time to a (blind) swirl if you don't move too slow.

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