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Rave for candlescience!!

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I ordered some scents from the sale and some sample wicks too last friday (May 2nd) and had it shipped USPS and the stuff came TODAY!! :yay: :yay:

That was FAST from NC to OR!!:grin2:

The sample scents are WONDERFUL!!! I cant wait to get them into the wax!!:drool:


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My massive order of samples is on it's way. Or at least UPS received the info. Usually takes about 2 days to get from the East coast to the middle. :) You'll have to let us know what scents you tried and how you like them.

If I get UPS from the East coast I have to wait 5-7 days!! That is why I prefer USPS if at all possible. I got about 10 or so scents to try....


cinnamon buns





ocean breeze




juniper breeze

I cant wait to try them:drool: ....I have to finish testing a Berry scent from KY first. My friend wants a case and is patiently waiting till i get done testing.


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I left peppermint/euc and frankincense/myrrh off my list. :( I wish I would have gotten them now. Please let me know how you like those!

As for USPS -- I'm always leery now of ordering that shipping with the flashpoints. CS will ship USPS no matter what the flashpoint?

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Candlescience is SO great to pickup from in person too (I am a 15 minute drive from work)! You can't beat ordering at 10am and picking it up at lunch. I have never had a time when they aren't smiling when I walk in the door, and leave with a new piece of information about their products. They even help me load my car without being asked, which is something that I have to ask for at other locations. I love to walk into the office, it smells phenomenal!

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They are the SWEETEST on the phone too and are more than willing to search out the answers to the most obscure questions- one I asked them at one point was "why does my case of soy wax have a use by date?"... they did the leg work and learned that it's because it's manufactured at a food plant and is a requirement via health dept...


psst- did anyone get Tuscan Melon and Apricot. Oh. My. Goodness. I have a new fav.

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That's great to hear kristi! I know that when I was short quite a few wicks in my order, they sent the extra out quickly. I was pleased. And I'm so envious, I don't have my samples yet. They're going to be here tomorrow though!!!!! :)

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of the scents you listed tootie here's the ones i tried

Lavendar - like it even though i'm not a lavendar fan

peppermint/euc. - keeping for me it helps my sinuses love the smell

sage/pomagranit - tossed it. DW, DD, and I all think it smells like soap they cancel each other out

basil/herb - love it, poured the brandied pear right after and the combo smell rocked

I love dealing with CS, they are helpful and knowledgable. I love the fact their IT guy makes candles as well. He's helped me out several time.

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I dont know if im the only one, but I think I got gypped on some of my samples. A lot of them only weigh between .6-1oz WITH the cap on :sad2: I dont think ive ever had this problem before but I never weighed them. I just noticed when I opened the box that a lot of them seemed only half way full (and I know each fo is different) thats why I weighed EVERYONE and I even weighed an empty bottle.....the bottle weighed .4 oz :confused: Im just assuming since they were swamped with orders or something because the ones that were right were their older scents that im sure sold but not like their new ones.

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Some of my samples were also a little less than 1oz..... .80 .90 I would say over half were short (ordered 13). The rest were correct or slightly over. Never had this problem before either and their customer service and shipping have always been excellent.

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Well, I suppose since they were only $.99 each, but still -- esp for the one who said some of theirs were a little over a half ounce, that's not good! I've never thought to weigh my oils before, but since I've got mine coming today (and a lot -- 47 samples!), sounds like I'm going to be busy checking out the weights on those as well.

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It would seem silly since they are practically a steal, but if they're being sold by the ounce, I'd hardly call that fair. Yes, they're on sale, but they were sold under the impression that each is 1 ounce, not .6oz or .75 or anything else. It's not right.

I got my oils and I noticed a few were quite light. I'm going to weigh mine.

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Im going to tomorrow. Tomorrow when I get home from work I am going to go through and weigh everyone of them again and send them a detailed list of which ones were short and the amount. I dont want them to send me an email and say wellllll what ones were they and what did they way, and never hear back LOL. I understand that they had a lot of orders due to this sale and had to fill bottles quickly but theres no reason for it especially since I even weighed an empty bottle to make sure I wasnt crazy!

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Well heck they contacted me :D Ive always thought they had GREAT customer service but to come home and find a PM waiting for me from them on this website just blows me away. I received a message with an apology, and asking for a list of all the ones that were off so they can correct the issue. They must of seen this thread, but I know I will definitely stick with them! Ive never had a problem in the past, so I would of stuck with them anyways but this is amazing. A BIG THANK YOU TO CANDLE SCIENCE :D:yay:

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Customer service is VERY important these days. I am glad to see they made things right. I am really thinking about paying the extra $ 7.00 in shipping to order from them. That is the difference between the supplier out here and CS and this supplier is 81.00 for a case of IGI6006!!

Thanks Candle Science :grin2: :grin2:


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