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Administrative Day Gifts

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Here is one of the gift baskets I made for my SIL. They were made for her office for Administrative's Day. I made a dozen gifts and had to think of going green so I made my own baskets out of corregated paper. I hope the nurses like them. I tied the handles at the top with a bow to finish them off.



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Thanks twinmom....DH asked me how I knew how to make a basket? All I did was make a rectangle box so the two items would fit. I have a huge roll of the correg. paper. I mean huge. I asked DH to pick me up some on his way home and he brought home 250 feet, so I have to use it up......

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Love those!

Excellent job on the boxes-way to use up that HUGE roll! Men! :rolleyes: LOL

Hey speaking of the boxes, did you have to reinforce them with anything or is the paper heavy enough?

Love how you made the handles out of the twisty paper also. :)

What's in the darling burlap sack?


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Thanks everyone! I have potato shaped candles in the burlap bags. It's an Idaho thing, I guess.....I glued the paper to hold and yes the corregated paper is heavy enough to support itself. I also have tons if twisted paper rolls that I bought at a closeout, so I had to use that stuff up too.

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Really clever and it looks wonderful!

I had to LOL at your husband! My DH had to do the groceries when I was sick last week, and when he brought everything in, I had to ask just where did he think he was going to store everything? You'd think we were stocking a bunker or something!:rolleyes2

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Nice gifts and I love the idea of making your own baskets. And since I lived in Idaho.....I understand the potato thing. Very creative. I am trying to find more ways to go "green". I think that people will appreciate what you did. Donita

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