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FO amount in candles 1oz vs 1.5oz pp...

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I have been making soy candles for a long time. I started out with KY125 and just recently changed because of moving back to the NW.

Anyway I always used 1.5oz FO pp in my candles. I am reading alot of you are only using 1 oz pp in your soy. Is there a difference??

Are those of you using 1oz pp using a parasoy mix??

I never really thought about going to 1oz pp in my soy....but now you all have me thinking...

Now if I start mixing my 464 with 6006 then i am going to go with 1oz pp to see how it goes. I am mainly wondering about those who use just soy wax??


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We use 1 oz. per pound of wax in NatureWax C3. If a FO does not throw at that rate, I shop elsewhere for it or skip it and go on to another of the gazillion FOs I have not yet tried! Here's why:

1) simple economics

2) FOs cause or contribute to many of the more frustrating issues of soy-based waxes such as frosting and cauliflowering. The less we use, the less we are contributing to those issues.

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I have yet to use 1 oz/pp. Wish I could, it would save me lots of $$, but anything at 1oz does not seem to give me the hot throw I am looking for and I use a C-3 blend.

I use anywhere from 1.2 - 1.5 oz Fo/pp. Some oils seem to need that little bit more to get the hot throw I want..

As for adding to soy issues:

Well soy is a PITA to begin with, but if you test and find the right wick, it will burn beautifully and you will get a great hot throw.

This is one of those things I guess, that it is a matter of preference. :cool2:

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I agree with Islandgirl on this 100%!!!! I use straight C3 and 1.5oz FO pp with almost all my oils. I've experimented with 1oz FO in the past with the C3, EzSoy and Eco wax and a couple others that I can't remember right off hand and I was very disappointed with the results on all of them. I like my candles to have a strong throw both hot and cold and have always gotten compliments from all my customers about how they've never had a candle that "smells so good"........... In my opinion, there is a definite difference using that extra amount of FO but like anything else, it's a matter of testing, testing, testing.

Good Luck Tootie!!

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There are a few and I do mean very few fragrances that I can use at 1oz/lb, because believe me the customers can tell a difference in scent throw. Quality fragrances have always been the most expensive part of my cost. Now if you are doing a soy blend you might be able to get away with 1oz/lb, I haven't tested any.

I don't talk alot on the boards, but I have been doing this for awhile now(kids, family, work, and just plain life to deal with). If I can help more please let me know.



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I'm with Stella on this one. I use 1oz per lb. If a fragrance doesn't have a good hot & cold throw, I'll pass on that fragrance. However, I tried Cedar & Saffron at 1lb and did not get a throw. Someone on this board recommended 1.2 oz, so I will give it a try.

Most of my oils are mid-range & up so I stick to the 1oz, also afraid of sweating in summertime. I use C-3.

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I use C3 and only 1 oz pp. It has a great hot and cold throw. Like stella, if it does not throw well with 1 oz, I don't use that FO. Of all the waxes I tested using more either didn't make a difference or contributed to more issues.

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Most of my oils are mid-range & up so I stick to the 1oz, also afraid of sweating in summertime. I use C-3.

I found C-3 to sweat more with certain FO's.

That is why I mix my soys for "My Perfect Blend".

This is why testing is so important. :D


Everyone's sense of smell is different, so what may be strong to one person may not be for another..

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I was talking with a lady who buys one scent from me (I hate that scent) anyway it is VERY strong...so much so I pour it with all the windows open and then it takes DAYS to clear out. Anyway the last time I made candles I backed that scent down to 1 oz pp. That was about 1 year ago. she has called to order another case or two of that scent. She asked me if I had done anything different last time and I asked her why she asked....she said the candles were not a strong as before...:shocked2: . I really didnt think she would notice...but she did. I will use the 1.5oz pp this time again in her candles. I was honest with her and told her I tried cutting back because the scent is soooo strong and I thought maybe they would be better not so strong....I was wrong. She was not mad or anything but I was still suprised she even noticed.

I think it is interesting to see the different responses on this issue. I will most likely continue with my 1.2-1.5oz pp with the 464....which by the way DOES need to be cured!! The candles I made 3 days ago smell much better now and i am getting a decent throw within 1 hr of lighting them up.


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I use USA with NatureWax C3 to smooth the texture, tops, reduce frosting and boost the hot throw. As for the amounts of FO - to each his own. There are so many sources, if something doesn't work, it's silly to use it. Remember that wicking has a great deal to do with hot throw as well. It's also wise to remember that those of us who are around intense fragrance concentrates a lot lose some sensitivity to it... ie CANDLENOSE. ALL of these factors come into play.

I have never noticed one FO noticably "sweating" (syneresis) more than another, but I suppose it is possible.

The bottom line is this: if your candles are coming out well at 1.2 or 1.5 oz per pound and you are satisfied with them, why change anything? DO what works for YOU!!

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Ok, now let me ask you all this....:D What do you consider a great throw, how do you judge your throw? Whats the difference between a good and bad throw? hmmmmm.....Should the throw blow you out of the house like I find with Pink Sugar (which Im not a lover of) - but to each their own, right?

For me since I smoke, I'd be a poor judge but if I can really smell the scent walking from room to room then I know it smells!:cool2:

But now that since I saw this post, I think I'm going to try adding more than 1oz fragrance....I thought it was just me and my bad sniffer of a nose.......

HEY TONI!!!!! I seeeeeeeeeeeee youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!

I wasn't sure it was you till I looked up your profile and saw you website!:neener:

Toni is my good luck charm you guys....Shes the one that got me to change my melting and pour temperature of my c-3 of which today is so terrific...

Would love to hear everyones input on how they judge what is a great throw.....Thanks.


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What do you consider a great throw, how do you judge your throw? Whats the difference between a good and bad throw?

Oh man, that's a WHOLE 'nother thread there!!! In fact, I think it already WAS another thread...:o

But now that since I saw this post, I think I'm going to try adding more than 1oz fragrance

Hey Trapp, remember to check the recommended fragrance load for NatureWax C3 without additives (6% or less) before you add much more... ;) You can download the handling and technical data sheets, etc. from the NatureWax site by providing them some info, then you will have access to their pdf files. HTH :)

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Hi Everyone!:wave:

Well, I'm thinking of changing my wicks #1......I use the htp and would like to try something that has less of a curl to it....Man is it frustrating all the wicks out there and this person like this and this one likes that and so on and so forth...Dang! why can't there be 1 wick for a particular soy and that be it! Dang! Cd's seem to be a very popular choice for wicks, but then there are other top choices, so who the heck knows? I read a post the other day someone put up who said that the cd does curl also but not as much as the htp....And what she does is "twist" the wick b/4 lighting and it stands upright and just works perfect, so I'm going to try that also....Then someone else said that she went from htp to cd and found the cd to put out double the scent throw, so that is for me! lol.....So I'm trying it........I also use c-3.

If anyone else has suggestion, please let me know.....I'm game for anything....

Toni, little question for you.....Has any oil ever came to the surface of your candle? I think I might play around and try 1.25 just for the heck of it.....


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I have been using CD`s in 100% soy, but the FO per LB depends on the FO, some scents to me are jsut stronger than others.

I try 1 oz per lb first, because why waste supplies?

Some heavy fragrances only require .50- .75 oz per LB I have found.

Karen M

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