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M&P Crayons

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LOL - these need to be cleaned up and labled (well, they don't really need to be labled as they are for us - but, I want to try anyway)

But these were the EASIEST things in the world to make. I know the color is a little off, but I will work on that as well.

Anyway, to get the "point" I used a gadget I bought for my dipped tapers (it looks like a large pencil sharpener) but it never worked for my tapers because the wax was always either too soft and would bend the tapers, or when the was was hard enough not to bend, it was too hard to use the gadget and not work. I believe the gadget is called a "taper shaper" or some such thing... LOL

Anyway you get the idea.

Any comments on if they look good, or you think they suck, are welcome. LOL

My son is thrilled I've made them.. He loves to play in the tub even though he is already 9! LOL



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Those are cute! I have one of those crayon molds that up until now I have only used for leftover soap.

Those would look adorable if you made 'crayola' type labels for them.

BTW-- where did you get the taper shaper?

Yeah, the crayola type labels are what I was thinking. And I have a template, it's just a matter of getting it done. :)

I got the shaper at Pourette, but I think Pourette has gone out of business. I know I've seen them at other places since, but just haven't really paid attention because I had one, and it didnt' work for the purpose I needed it for so it didnt' register. If I find a place that carry's them, I'll post it. :)

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Is that where you got the mold at too? Those are really really neat!! Did you scent them too?




No the mold is an ice tube maker that makes ice for water bottles. I got it at the Dollar Tree about 2 years ago, and it had been sitting on a shelf ever since until yesterday. I specifically got it for this purpose, but just never got around to making them. LOL

And now, I can't find my template for the labels! UGH... (so, if anyone has one to share, that would be great! LOL)

They are scented Almond. When/If I make them to sell, I will try and match the scent with the color OR make them a vanilla scent so it's neutral.

This is how many 1lb of M&P made, so I think I will only make 1/4 lb of each color at a time, until I know how they will sell.

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Very cool! :)

My DD is standing here ooing and ahing over them and begging me to make some too! :D

If you don't count the time I had it in the fridge cooling, these literally took less than 5 minutes to make, including shaving the tips. :) I put them in the fridge to make it easier to un-mold them. :)

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They look great! I like the opaque colors..

I made these a couple years ago and sold out completely at one show! I did the crayola labels and packaged them in cello bags with a raffia tie.

They look adorable with the crayola type labels, let me know and I'll dig out a picture if you want to see them, as I don't want to hijack YOUR thread with one of MY pictures!

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They look adorable with the crayola type labels, let me know and I'll dig out a picture if you want to see them, as I don't want to hijack YOUR thread with one of MY pictures!

You can absolutely hijack with one of your pics!! LOL

I know exactly what labels you are talking about, and actually had a template all made up at one time, but have somehow managed to lose it. I have about 5000 files on this computer, but it is hidden somewhere in here, I just have no idea where and my keyword search is not working. :( LOL I'll find it eventually, or will have to just start from scratch and make a new one (which would probably just be easier! LOL)

Anyway, thanks everyone for the comments. Once I do get the label on them I will re-post...

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Too cute....will have to find that sharpener.:)

Is there a crayon template that exists already?


I don't know, but I just remade mine.

It's a little different than Jbren's but along the same concept. I just need to now find my colored paper... I tell ya, organization is NOT over-rated... LOL (just wish I had the concept of how to stay that way! LOL)

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Well I tell ya, I just lost about 5 years of photos (vacations, craft shows, scouts, EVERYTHING with my son) and all of my business stuff (logo, templates, labels, invoices etc)...and have been just sick about it so I am trying to start over on many things...moral - should have put everything on CDs instead of relying on an external hard drive I was not familiar with....I will keep looking as I know my son wants to make these.



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I made my template in a simple word program. I left enough room under the "crayon soap" oval that I could put the name of the scent. I didn't do it on these, simply because they are for my son. :)

Here's a pic of them. I tried to find some pale blue paper but all I had was a violet and a turquoise, both of which clashed with the color. I will try to match the label with the color of the soap though.



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I "LOVE" the labels! I've seen them somewhere long time ago wrapped in a washcloth to look like the box the crayons come in....Really Neat!

I have clear & white moisturizing soap - which one did you use? Also, can you make this with Goats Milk Soap ? I've NEVER purchased goats milk soap before - but LOVE the feel of it when showering(i purchased a bar of it from a lady at a craft show - love it better then MP) If so, where do you purchase your Goats Milk soap from ?




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