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First CP and Other Stuffs


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ok so i took the plunge and made my first CP, its not so good lookin but at least it sorta looks like soap, i was freaked the whole time i was making it but its quite simple and fun and im happy with my first lil batch:o


i didnt want to overdue the mica so i was a bit skeered with it, but its a nice green (not blue..like my horrid piccy taking) and the scent is pear

Berry MP soapies for my daughter to use she loves strawberries N cream


Lavender Bath Bomb with a swirly of icing



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:o thank you all so much

the little strawberries are clear MP and i put just a touch of the strawberry POP mica and they are so shiny and pretty depending on how the light hits them they just glitter a bit

i really need to try that whipped soap so i can make purty flowers with my pastery baggy

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The berry soap is cute. Are the embeds soap as well, or just wax?

"ahem" OS, don't be a skimmer now, man! ;) She did say they are clear M&P with pop mica! tsk tsk

I think you should be very VERY proud of your first cp soap, you even got swirls goin' on there girl, you did GOOD!

LOVE the strawberries n cream soapies as well (M&P is still my first love!)

Oh, the little bath bomb cake is really cute, awesome job there! So, what did you use for the topping?

:thumbsup: on all your creations! :D

Edited to say: I guess you were maybe typing your question at the same time the OP was posting what the strawberries were. ;)

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thank you very much ladies

the topping right now is the meringue recipe but im still trying to develop a better "frosting" without sugar, whipped CP is looking really good right now instead of the meringue and sugar

im thinking the royal frosting (meringue) could hold (like glue) the whipped CP flowers ontop of bathbombs instead of the entire thing being tons of sugar, you wouldnt have to make as much meringue royal frosting just enough to dab and glue soap flowers or whatever you create ontop of the bombs

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:o im a soapin fool lately

its like you cant stop once you start, youre throwing folks out of the kitchen, everything is a potential mold!!! im on soap overload LOL

tonight its more bath bombs and im gonna try some bath melts with my own little twist

for my bath bombs i use a piece of pvc pipe and a wooden dowel, just run through your local lowes or home depot like a fool with different sizes of pvc pipe and start inserting wooden dowels into them for a good fit LOL

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