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Some of my Spring/summer soaps!

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Been awhile! Excuse the air bubbles in some - I was using a bad stick blender for a bit!!! All these are made with Fresh GM


Cybilla cucumber melon ITP with red mica in and alfalfa powder base


AH/RE da lime in da coconut with fine shred coconut poured side by side and swirled. The yellow/green is lime labcolor. There was a lot of Kpangnan and palm in this so it's pretty dark and I think messed with my color a bit


This was fragranced with BB plumeria and done in layers with MMS grape color, It was supposed to be shades of purple, but it morphed so now I call it "Island Girl" (it keeps getting more and more green and less blue as it cures so pretty soon it's really going to be plumeria scented "army guy"!) Same recipe as the coconut lime which I don't think helped withe the color at all!


BB Pineapple Cilantro ITP'd with yellow Mica


BB Summer fling. Ashed a bit. Did like a 5-6 color ITP swirl, but it muddied up too much I think


BB Grass stain with chrome green oxide and cocoa powder for the stripe


Solas White Tea and Ginger with morrocan red clay - I did my version of the coathanger swirl, but I am just not so good at those yet - HUGE air bubbles in this baby!!!

Thanks for peeking!

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I had to come back and look at all the pretty soapies again. What does that fresh cut grass scent smell like? I've seen that fo on a few sites and always have wondered.

It really does smell like fresh cut grass! Well, at least BB grass stain does...It's really clean and fresh I think it's a fragrance for the whole family. I never really thought I would like it but it is really good and better soaped than oob. Used it at .7 oz ppo and it's great!

I'm always surprised when I post my soaps how much people like one that I'm fairly disappointed in - White Tea and Ginger this time (well the plumeria is an obvious bomb). It goes to show that we are our own worst critic!

Thanks for the nice comments!

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FINALLY!! I get to see some chromium green in action! Oh I love that color too! And that summer fling is so fresh looking ... actually I'm digging all of them!

I just love that green! It's always so true not matter what - never fails me! The grass stain was a hard one to figure out what to do. Grass, dirt, I dunno, so I went with the stripe thing.

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I had to come back and look at all the pretty soapies again. What does that fresh cut grass scent smell like? I've seen that fo on a few sites and always have wondered.

It's an amazing scent. I have Peak's tall grass and omg it really does smell like grass. It blew my mind when I smelled it.

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I just love that green! It's always so true not matter what - never fails me! The grass stain was a hard one to figure out what to do. Grass, dirt, I dunno, so I went with the stripe thing.

I have very little patience to play in the soap (as it often starts setting up on me before I'm done), but you know ... your choice on that was fantastic! Only thing I could see doing differently to it would have been what you did on the last one with the coat hanger.

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