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New idea needs help!

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I know most of you have seen those soy beads they sell in the stores and I've looked everywhere to find a mold or how to pour those little buggers but couldn't come up with anything. My idea instead of those was to pour chocolate chips using a rubber embed mold. So, I bought the mold off ebay but it didn't come with any instructions. My question is what temp should I pour my little chips and (stupid question) what do I pour with? They're such tiny little crevices that a regular pour pot would be too much. I thought of using a paper cup but not sure. Does anyone have any suggestions for me? Also, since I've never used a rubber or silicone mold, can I use straight paraffin with steraic or would that hurt the mold? Thanks for any input!!


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Your wax and additives will be fine. If you add dye it may discolor the mold a bit but it wont hurt anything.

How about pouring with a glass measuring cup? Or maybe if you can find one of those metal serving carafes I bet even a dixie cup would work fine, since you dont need a lot to fill those little cavities...

I always pour between 170 and 180 in my rubber molds, they sometimes get air bubbles..so I pour warmer

Good Luck!


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Hi I to was looking for something to pour my little dots with. I came up with this idea. Use a restraunt coffee creamer holder. It has a small spout which makes it easy to pour into small molds. It is also made of metal and will keep your wax warm while you pour. Regina

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One idea is to just pour into the entire mold, then use a metal or plastic putty knife to scrape off the excess......the same idea as if you were pouring into the lip balm trays. It would be a real time saver if you're pouring a lot of them.

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I have little kids so we have tons of those medicine droppers with the rubber bulb on one end (imagine a very small turkey baster). We get them free from the pharmacy and once the painted numbers wear off they become candle tools! I suck up the wax and sqeeze it into the openings. No mess!

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Ditto what Dolphin said. Anything metal, with a spout and cover. These small amounts need to stay warm and give you time to carefully pour. Almost has to be metal. Something glass would be second best. But a creamer dispenser is the perfect thing.

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One idea is to just pour into the entire mold, then use a metal or plastic putty knife to scrape off the excess.

This would be my first try. If I were ever to attempt it, I just can't see pouring a whole mess of little drops on at a time.Now if it were just a few chips to decorate something, yeah. But not for a large quantity.

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Wow! These are great ideas!! I never even thought to buy one of those creamer things but it does make sense...it's metal and will keep the wax hot and not alot of cleanup afterwards. Thanks for the idea Dolphin and everyone else-I'll let you know how my chips go!:bliss:


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