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Batch 3 and 4 soapies! :)


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Wick'N'Wax inspired me to want to make a jelly roll type soap.

omg, I inspired someone, thats brill. I feel all daft lol. sorry saw my name in a soap thread, its like being in the newspaper ;)

I'm assuming its different because I use m&p, I poured mine into a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper, waited about 10mins and rolled the edge, when it had enough of a roll going, I pulled the paper off and rolled all the way.

If I was trying two colours, I'd just sit them one on top of the other and roll.

I put mine in a clean washing up liquid bottle and used that as the mold ;)

queen of cheap me lol

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Sorry this took so long but I had the flu and wasn't up to even caring about this jelly roll thing while I was sick. Actually, it's good I didn't because to my surprise, the thing finally got rock hard while I was sick! LOL

Here's the cuts. CP jelly roll. Scented Violet Lime using tkb pop colors. :)







Can't smell yet so no idea if scent stayed but no zap and nice bubbles when you use it. :)

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I'm still in shock. They look better in real life. I still can't get the hang of taking pictures with this stuff yet with my camera. LOL

The soap bubbles like mad too. Was 40% lard. What a slow process though, because the layers are thin to start before you have them set up enough to put them together. Now that I know it's possible, will try it again soon with a greater contrast with the colors. I shocked myself on this one. Had no idea what I was doing, but yes it did work! :yay:

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Woohoo, you cut the log!! :whoohoo: :whoohoo:

I really like how it turned out and I bet it smells great too! And since you can't smell yet, I'm thinking you need to send a slice to me and then I will let everyone know how wonderful it is :cheesy2:

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Guest LightofDawn

Very nice Vio, one of these days I hope to give soaping a try. For now I will keep checking out the soap gallery and dreaming.

Glad your feeling better.

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Well, damn Vio! I've been taking care of DH & myself for almost a month and I come back to find you have gone soap crazy:laugh2:

Nice looking soapies girl. Was the jelly roll thingy hard to do? I thought about trying it w/ M&P but I just may have to try it w/ CP when (if) my hand ever returns to it's normal size :cry2:

I may have to start calling you "SoapFreak 2" !

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