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Heat gun?

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'Fraid not. Hair dryers blow too much air and not nearly enough heat. It's similar in principle but completely different in practice.

I know this expression is overused but it's perfectly apt here -- once you have a heatgun you'll wonder how you ever lived without one. Put an end to the suffering and spring for it -- it's every candlemaker's most revered tool. Just ask Breanna.

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i guess it might on some things (heating part of a mold..or..i cant think of anything right off) but its got a monster fan in it compared to a heat gun...and if you were using it directly on wax the fan would prolly push melted wax to where you might not want it...and heat guns get lots hotter.

im assuming..dont own either heat gun or hair dryer..so i might no have any room to talk:o

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I finally got one a few weeks ago, and it's well worth it. For instance, last night I unmolded a candle which hadn't mottled completely - put it back in the mold and heated it w/the gun and now my mottle is complete (I was just guessing that it would work lol) :)

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Yeah and even though you can't use your hair dryer as a heat gun, a heat gun will dry your hair once and for all.

Hey Top, I dunno where you come up with that stuff. I just hope you don't live anywhere near me. I'm scared:shocked2:

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