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Just made my 1st HP soap


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I just spent the last 2 hours making my first HP soap, even did the tongue test & ugh it was disgusting....but no zap!

I used Darwins basic recipe but subbed veg shortening for the pko & OO for the grapeseed, superfatted at 6%,fragranced it with petitgrain & lavender e.o's & pressed dried lavender flowers onto the top.

Now I want to make some more, it was fun!!

& contrary to what my 14 yr old son thought no-one was poisoned throughout the whole process.

I can't wait to unmould it & cut it tomorrow morning but there will be a couple of odd shapes cos I made it in an oval ice cream tub.

Next time it will be the shortening & shea recipe & whatever other e.o's I fancy adding.

:soap baby dance: thats me in my kitchen

Sally :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

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Cut my soap this morning & lost lots of the lavender flowers...ooops, I think I should have pressed them on even harder than I did. The soap was firm like hard butter & it felt really nice when I washed my hands after handling it.

I'll leave it for a week before I try using any as it's still so soft it will melt away too quickly.

It smells gorgeous but then petitgrain & lavender is one of my favourite EO blends.

I used 1/2 0z ppo & it's fine, will see if it holds the fragrance as it dries.

Photo's have been taken & I'll post them when I can find the cable.

Wednesday is a busy day for me so I may not be able to play again tonight, such a bummer when life gets in the way of my creations.

Thanks for your encouraging words folks, while I'm doing everything else today I'll be dreaming of my next batch.


BTW that soaping baby needs an IPod....if I keep up with the soap making I just might lose some weight dancing around the kitchen.

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ok... silly not yet soaping person question....

What is zap?

I've seen it mentioned a few times, and even did a search, but never any real explanation for what the heck it is. :undecided

Is it possible to get an explanation?



Zap is the feeling you get on your tongue when you taste the soap and there is still lye present. No lye, no zap.

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LMAO yeah you have to stick your tongue out, and press it on the bar. Interersting for sure. LOL I haven't experienced zap yet, but someone said here one time that it feels like a tiny electrical charge. Others say it's like a sizzle. I hope I never experience it. LOL ;)

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I'm sure I'll get to feel that zap sometime soon but my god does my soap taste disgusting.

I taste mine before superfatting so at least I'm not tasting the e.o's too.

Make sure you can spit somewhere & rinse your mouth straight after cos its nasty!!!!!!

Thanks everyone for making me feel so welcome over here, I'm still looking for my cable so I can post pics of batch 1....& 2!

Yup I'm hooked.


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I'm sure I'll get to feel that zap sometime soon but my god does my soap taste disgusting.

I taste mine before superfatting so at least I'm not tasting the e.o's too.

Make sure you can spit somewhere & rinse your mouth straight after cos its nasty!!!!!!

I brush my teeth with handmade soap made with lavender eo. You get used to the taste.

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