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Question about racks.....


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Ok.... get your heads outta the gutter....:D

Soap racks..

"Jealous" of Soapfreaks super racks... I went rummaging around a shed outside and found some old freezer baskets to cure soaps in.

I just have a very simple question... if we cure all differents scents together like Soapfreak... don't the scents tend to mingle with each other and "contaminate" each other...

That's all my questions for today!!!

Thanks in advance as always!!:smiley2:

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I don't have my soaps on a fancy rack like Soapfreak's (yet, lol). But they are all in the same room. However, when I make soap using Peppermint EO, I always keep that in a separate room, as it will transfer over to other soaps, especially ones with light, delicate scents. HTH

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I have racks similar to soapfreak's. I got mine at Costco and they were $75. There are 6 shelves and large wheels with locks. They are over 6' tall. I have 4 of them in my shop. Three for supplies and one for soap. When I get some money I'll buy a couple more.

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Although I'd love to have a huge rack (for soapin' and otherwise! ;) LOL) I don't have the room for one, so I bought a metal shoe rack, that fits perfectly on top of my supply dresser. It has 4 shelves and I can fit a ton of soap on it. :)

Never had a problem with scent transfer.

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I have found that when I walk into my soap room which is pretty small, I pick up a bar of soap and you can't smell it because it's such a flood of all different smells in there.

If I take the bar out of the room, then I can smell it.

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