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obtaining fragrance oils


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for those of you who sell candles, how do you go about obtaining so many fragrance oils? they are so expensive! do you slowly aquire them over time? buy in bulk? i was also wondering what size fo do you buy in order for the customer to have the option to buy that certain scent? do you keep a large bottle on hand or a few small ounces of it?


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I would mostly buy sample packs. Some people don't like 1oz, but it's plenty for me. If I like it OOB, I will pour a small jar and use 1/2oz...if it throws in that jar and I like it, then I order a 1lb bottle. I never order less than a full lb of something I like.

My problem is I like too many! Check the classifieds on here too, there are usually great deals on great FO's available for you to try some out...

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Try Just Scents. When you buy 2 lbs they give you 3 free samples. Last time they were out of what I requested so they gave me 6 free samples. Loved them all. I figure I'm going to need a third job to finance my second job(candles and wax bears) which I got into cause my first job doesn't pay enough.:yay:

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A long time ago I went with four oz sizes, but that never seemed to be enough. When I got back into making candles, I went with 8 oz stuff, and now that's never enough. Sooooooo I was pretty much told no buying under 1 lb., and now that never seems like enough. We're slowly upgrading to bigger bottles lol!

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Eee gads- I hate these reality check posts.... LMAO! :P

My business supports itself. I buy way too many FO's and then I kick myself later if they don't meet up to my expectations. I just bought a FO shelf for my workroom and it tipped over... a clear indication that I need either a swift kick or someone to come over here and kill my internet access. Probably both.

To address your question- I buy my big sellers in 2-5 lb increments and can't pass up a good sale or discount when offered. Once you identify your "core" scents, you can add or subtract what sells and what you would like to add for each season or holiday. As your business grows- so will your scent line.

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I used to buy FO's constantly all the time - whenever I felt like getting a new one, I would order some...:tiptoe: Not good for business at all!!

I made myself decide on the specific scents I would have and I now buy gallons of that particular scent instead of getting a pound here and a pound there. If I really think that I need a scent that is new, I first get a sample (I actually ask the supplier if they can send me one for free to try), then I go from there. If this scent is great and better than one of the scents I currently carry, I substitute the new scent for the old one.

Example - I recently discontinued my gardenia, rose and raspberry/peppermint for a grapefruit/peppermint/strawberry blend, sweet rain and kiwi/banana blend.

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