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How do you decide on a buisness name?


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Hi I make and sell soy candles to friends and family. I also do upholstery jobs and other sewing. I dibble dabble in wreath and swag decor also. I even designed a rustic log bunk bed for my boys "deer" bedroom. I make a lot of things with my hands. This came from not having enough money to buy things, so I learned to make them! Anyway, over the years it has added up and I was considering having a buisness name for when I need it. Mostly for the candles and accents. How do I go about finding a name that no one else is using? Could someone tell me what exactly to search? I saw in threads people reccomending a trademark search.......how is this done? Thanks for any help. I just didn't want to start adding labels with a name on it only to find out I couldn't use it.

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To do a national trademark search go to www.uspto.gov and click on Trademarks in the menu on the left, and there is a search feature. It's also a good idea to do searches on Google and other popular search engines to see if any other companies on the web are using that name. They can still be using it and just not have trademarked it. HTH :)

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Well, mine was easy, I just love where I live and it has such an unusual name, Cat Spring, that I decided to use it in my company name: Cat Spring Candles.

I like unusual names and maybe your town or county has an unusual name that you could incorporate it into your company name.

Weezel County Handicrafts and Candles?

Weezel Handicrafts and Candles?

It's All Made by Me

Or even focus on the main, big $$ items you make to attract people. Your log beds, now that would totally get my attention....Once in there I could find your other items too!

I dont' know....be unique and different.

I know, my suggestins aren't very good, but you get the drift.


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Since you live in a Mountain area, what about something like Mountain Home Eclectics, or Eclectic Mountain Home? That could be general enough to encompass all types of home decor and gift items. You could use a tag line underneath the company name to describe what you sell:

Eclectic Mountain Home

Candles, Gifts & Home Decor

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Just start brainstorming. Start a list of names or even just words that you like and have friends, family members etc. Give you some ideas! :)

Since you do so many different things you will want to keep it kinda "generic" (for lack of a better word) so that it can incompass everything you may be selling.

You could have a business name that really is only significant to you but have a tag line to let people know what they will encounter- like "all things for your home" or "decor to make your house a home" etc.

Just make sure that when you go to register it (like with GO DADDY etc.) that you purchase it right then and there-it seems a lot of people just wait for someone to check into a name and then pounce on it and then try and resell it for an outrageous amount! Grrrr

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Well, you live in Georgia, (Rainy night in Georgia) and you live in the mountians, so how about this:

Mountain Rain Candle & Crafts


Misty Mountain Candle & Crafts

As for checking for the availability, once you decide on a name, call your Sec. of States office and they will tell you if it is available. If no one else has registered it with them, it is legally yours.

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WOW..I really enjoyed ALL the posts! They were much more varied than I expected! I was mostly thinking of the technical part of using a name..........but once I ran the one I had decided on, I found it to be already in use....(Homespun Elegance)...so now ALL the suggestions are really coming in handy! Doneen, I really liked the suggestion for putting a "tag line" under the name.......that could really free me up. Thanks!!!! This was the one that really made me smile:yay: ............the suggestion from DonC about rain!!!!!!!! Anyone who knows me personally knows that is one of my favorite things! I NEVER thought about that in a name! That is so cool! (I'm to old to use the word cool....but "neat" sounded corny) I LOVE rain...rainy days....the smell....the sound....everything about it, except for maybe the mud. My hubby says he doesn't understand how days of gloomy rainy weather can cheer me up! lol! I love Gary Allen's song about rain also, DonC! I am gonna see how I can use that...........hmmmm....Here are some other considerations.......I like the fact of it being stated that it is rustic or handmade or homemade........However I do NOT like the cutesy country look......I would like to make some things look slightly elegant, but since I am most assurdedly a redneck., not too much so or I am afraid it will come off cheesy. I don't think I could do richy elegance if I HAD too! (My dad always said I walked like a plow girl) whatever that means. And I have a very bad drawl, even my hubby makes fun of me and he's from farther down south than me! I think its the mountain thing.So coming off too fancy sounding makes me feel like I am setting myself up for a laugh..... Hey did I just come up with a name.............." RUSTIC MOUNTAIN ELEGANCE"? RUSTIC MOUNTAIN ACCESSORIES? Ya keep this ideas coming.....I'm loving it!

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Oh and candlelady I love your buisness name! That could be spicy or downhome....goood name!

Does handwrought sound too complicated? and what about "arcadian" ? In a round about way it means rustic or redneck.....but sounds better! lol!

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