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Swirl #2


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I just put my 2nd swirl batch to bed and this time I remembered to take a pic first.


This time went better. I made sure my dyes were mixed properly and added the soap before it traced and I used a whisk instead of the stick blender. I really felt I had better control over this batch. Thank you Scented and everyone else who offered tips and advice.

Now for the bad news. I was washing everything up and all of a sudden it hit me like a load of bricks -- I was so concerned about the friggin dyes, that I forgot to add the fo :sad2:


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LOL, I'm laughing now, myself... and AT myself. It's ok, you can too. Laughter is good for the soul and besides, it feels good! It was an awful feeling though when it first struck, LMBO! But hey, now I'll have some purdy UNscented soap. There's lots of people who can't do the scent thing. And yep, good swirling practice. Looks like I was a little heavy with the drizzling on the one side of the mold, but have taken note for next time. If I had another slab mold I would have turned right around and the done the batch again and put in the fo. But I only have the one, so tomorrow it's out to the workshop to make myself another one. This waiting 24 hrs for mold turn around is going to drive me more insane than I already am.

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:laugh2: :laugh2: :laugh2: <sniff!> Sorry!

Here's one more tip for you.....weigh out your FO and then set it INSIDE your mold. If you forget to add it, when you go to pour your soap, you will see it and remember.

Now I just add the FO straight to my oils before adding the lye, unless it is an FO that discolors. It does accelerate trace sometimes, but I haven't had unscented soapies in awhile now. :P (Gosh, I just love this smiley!)

BTW...those swirls totally rock. I might just have to get out my slab mold and swirl something soon. I've been sticking to my log molds for awhile now and I can't swirl for &*^% in them. LOL.



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Thanks ladies for your nice comments. I just had a quick peek at it and all is well in there. I can't wait to cut them, I'll be sure to post a pic later tonight.

Angel, you made me :laugh2: all over again when I saw your post! I've forgotten the fo a couple times but was always able to pour it back into the pot and add it, but I knew this time was different. So, I made the executive decision to forgo the scent and keep the swirls! lol

And you're right Donna and Gran, unscented is good for people who need it, and it lets them have pretty bars too.

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And you're right Donna and Gran, unscented is good for people who need it, and it lets them have pretty bars too.

Ginger, my apologies, I meant to say "Ginger" instead of "Donna". My brain wasn't attached to my fingers at the time.

My soap is still a bit on the soft side so haven't cut it yet, but will give it a go later today. I'm dying to see if I got any of the colors down inside this puppy.

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Here's a pic of the cut bars


I think there's a problem. These are the consistency of those white erasers you get at the store. I'm wondering now if I had gotten a false trace. Not really sure what to do, guess I'll let them dry and dry and dry and then check them out. Somehow, though, I'm thinking they they're not going to be any good.

Thank you everyone for bearing with me on this, I truly appreciate it.


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