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Tony's...More questions!! Yay!


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So, I've been looking up all sorts of suppliers to try and find some replacements for scents I already carry and don't care too much for, and for some new fragrances and I came across Tony's. I found this site a long time ago, but they were really expensive and the scents I really wanted at the time were ones I could find anywhere. But now I saw that Tony's has a bunch that I'm looking for that I'm having a hard time finding anywhere else (rice flower and shea, frankincense and myrhh, oatmeal milk and honey..a few others.) Anyway, it's really expensive though! $21 for 8 1 oz. samples. I was wondering if anyone has tried this supplier and if the oils are any good. Especially the frank and myrhh. My mom found this room spray a long time ago that she fell in love with...she said it smells more light than like incense and they discontinued it, so she wants me to find it and make her some. Well, thanks for all of your help guys!!

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i have tried there oils, and although only a few of them, they were some of the best ive ever tried! The ones i tried were Amber Romance, Vanilla Cream, Island Kiss & Stress Relief. They are AWESOME awesome oils! The vanilla cream is the best ive ever smelled, literally. It is just perfect. Its thick, rich, creamy and sweet. Its great! I just stopped using them cause they are pretty expensive lol. But all of what i mentioned are VERY strong and SO good! I think its worth a shot if you can afford it :D

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I love, love, love Tony's. I get several of my oils from there. Their oils are really good quality and their customer service is great. I agree that you get what you pay for. While I like glass bottles though, I wish they would go to plastic since I do prefer that - it helps on shipping. :wink2:

BTW - I bought the frankincense and myrhh last year and loved it. It's a nice holiday scent.

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I've loved everything I have gotten from them. Not everything was what I wanted in candles, but in soap they are awsome! Amber, Dragons Blood, Love Spell, Oakmoss, Badades have incredible throw in candles. Mambo is a nice masculine scent and their Masculine Musk I would take a bath in of I could get enough of it. Told my husband if he came down smelling like that in the mornings, he would not make it out of the house!:D Unfortunately, I did not get the throw I desired with it to add to my candles. :undecided Got samples of Black Orchid, Chamomile and Cedarwood and Sage, and Elixer of Love.. can't wait to get them in soap as they smell wonderful OOB.

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I just placed an order with Tony's for the first time last week. I got my samples today. One of the samples I got was Frank. & Myrrh, which I thought smelled nice. I compared it to Indigo Wild's Zum Bar, and thought it smelled very close.

I haven't used any of the FO's in soaps or lotions yet, but I was very pleased with the quality of the scents. Also, I don't feel like I was ripped off by shipping, which sooooo many places do.

I personally don't think the prices for his 1 oz bottles are unreasonable. $3 - $3.50 seems to be pretty common for the places on the web that I visit. I agree with what others have said in this case, you get what you pay for. Having said that, I will let you know that I checked his site tonight, and the samples are on sale for $.30 - $.35 off reg. price!

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