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Double Heart Hurricane, challenge for you...

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I have a double entwined heart mold I want to make a hurricane in. Now I want to embed silk rose petals in it, but haven't got an insert.

I'm trying to think of the best way to do it. Thought of 2" pillar molds as inserts, but that means in places the shell wall will be extremely thick.

If I use a 3" that would work, but it would be extremely thin in places.

I've drawn around the shape of the mold, taken 1/2" off and cut that out, so I have a paper template of the insert I need. But thats where I'm stuck.

I thought of trying to shape an upright cardboard piece in the same shape as the paper insert.

Any suggestions, before I try and do that, because I'm sure it'll be near impossible to do lol


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You don't need an insert to make a cane = pour your wax, set it in a water bath till the sides cool to the appropriate thickness then pour out the wax from the middle.

She wants to add rose petals and I thhink she wants to know how to keep them in place. I thought of this idea once too but didn't know how to keep the roses there either.

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Back in the old days of Pourette Mfg.....I would just call Jeff with my dimensions and he would have them make one for me. Darn. I really miss them. There might be some other ideas, but the first one that comes to mind is to use a round mold as an insert and turn the hurricane into a chunk hurricane. Make little diamond shaped chunks...then use them to hold the petals in place. The insert will hold the chunks in place. Or you could put the petals on the outside and then overdip it. Tell me your thoughts and I will see if I can think of any other ideas. I have done it this way before. Donita

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OK Now do please realize I don't know anything really about this, and am totally n00b still. One candle down and I'm pathetic so far. LOL If the heart mold you have is metal, can't you just buy a disposable cookie sheet from the food store, cut it to height and shape, then solder it with a soldering wand and some solder, to hold it in place? The solder would have to have a higher melt point of course, than your wax, but it might work?

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Back in the old days of Pourette Mfg.....I would just call Jeff with my dimensions and he would have them make one for me. Darn. I really miss them. There might be some other ideas, but the first one that comes to mind is to use a round mold as an insert and turn the hurricane into a chunk hurricane. Make little diamond shaped chunks...then use them to hold the petals in place. The insert will hold the chunks in place. Or you could put the petals on the outside and then overdip it. Tell me your thoughts and I will see if I can think of any other ideas. I have done it this way before. Donita

aah, so make up enough chunks to more of less fill the mold, then position them, so that they hold the petals in place? Then fill up with more wax?

I've got 2" molds and 3", the 2 are too small, the 3" virtually touch the sides in places, I'm wondering whether to use the pillar molds as inserts and 'pin' the petals in place then when I remove them, fill it completely up with wax but it may melt the wax already set a little thats holding the petals in place?

'tis a conundrem :D

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I just tried a single heart mold and tried to embed a few petals and leaves with the ice cube method and it was pretty difficult to keep them in place. It's cooling now and I wont know the results til I come home from work tonight. But I think tomorrow I'm gonna try the chuck method that Donita said. And then I'm gonna try one putting flowers on the outside. I have the next 4 days off so I'm gonna try some new stuff. But good luck to you!

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OK Now do please realize I don't know anything really about this, and am totally n00b still. One candle down and I'm pathetic so far. LOL If the heart mold you have is metal, can't you just buy a disposable cookie sheet from the food store, cut it to height and shape, then solder it with a soldering wand and some solder, to hold it in place? The solder would have to have a higher melt point of course, than your wax, but it might work?

Just the cutting and shaping would be very difficult. But if you can just bend it kinda into shape and maybe crimp the edge enough to hold together, it might work. It doesn't need a tight seal since it's not meant to hold wax. The disposable cookie sheets are aluminum and I have no clue if you can even solder that thin aluminum.

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Hi guys,

When talking about ading the flowers onto the outside and then overdipping how is that done? Make the hurricane and then glue the flowers on..then redip? Or use a heatgun and embed the flowers and then redip?

I am having WOES just trying to get ONE done ok...but I keep on trying (especially when I have spent a fortune on moulds).

I tried a really large oblong mould that was made from PVC piping (now I just need a husband that's a plumber.lolol). How I eventually got the picture to stay there (I couldnt seem to cool it quickly enough) was I poured the wax into the mould and a few minutes later poured the entire lot back out. That left just a residue of wax and I managed to get the picture embedded that way. Perhaps that may work with the silk flowers?

Also..is it possible to make an incredibly thin cane...dont remove it from the mould 9it'd probably break anyway) and then use a heat gun to just melt a litle bit of the cane at a time and add the flowers that way? Is there some kind of invisible glue you could use?

As you can see my mind is wild with ideas because I haven't got this 'cane' making down pat at all and am just trying things and throwing ideas around.



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While in the shower I just thought of this. It isn't even cut straight....I just wanted to try it to show you how this can work. I made the insert with a plastic Crystal Lite container....just bent it to shape. Also you could use little hearts for the chunks.....I would do them the same colors as the cane wax so as not to distract from the embedded petals. Donita




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oooh you beauty, what a brill idea. What kind of container? Looks like a milk container over here in the UK.

At the moment, I've put in the petals where I want them and wedged them in tightly with chunks. It's filled to the top with chunks.

Tomorrow I'll pour in the cane wax over the top.

But.........I'm now wondering, when you make a cane, say a picture one, when it get to the desired thickness, you pierce and pour out the excess, well with this the internal section that I want to pour away, is mostly going to be already set because its chunks.

If it melts, problem is the petals will move, if it doesn't how am I going to cut it away.

Oh well, suck it and see, as they say. Willl let you know tomorrow night when made and unmoulded, but I'll try making an insert tomorrow out of a milk carton.

Sounds like a job for Blue Peter

(UK programme for kids that makes stuff lol)

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But.........I'm now wondering' date=' when you make a cane, say a picture one, when it get to the desired thickness, you pierce and pour out the excess, well with this the internal section that I want to pour away, is mostly going to be already set because its chunks.

If it melts, problem is the petals will move, if it doesn't how am I going to cut it away.


I believe that's why Donita mentioned using one or 2 smaller metal molds to hold the chunks in place until after you pour... so the middle wont be solid chunks...

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Thanks Ducky......she's right. The middle of the candle will be liquid....the sides will set up very quickly becauce of the chunks. Espceially if you water bath which is what I do.

Any plastic container that will bend and crease will work. I will think up some new ideas I'm sure by the end of the day. I love to figure these things out. I just learned something new today. I love these questions....keeps my old brain working.....kinda....lol....Donita

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Hi! I make a lot of hurricanes and I have used long metal hairclips from Sally's to hold things in place long enough to get it into the waterbath. So my idea for you is to try hot gluing the rose petals together to form kind of a sheet of them and then clip them to the sides of the mold with these metal clips. Then remove the clips after you get the mold in the water bath and have just enough wax set up to hold them in there. Not too long of course because then you can't get the clips out. You should be able to find hairclips like these at any beauty supply. They are about four inches long and made of what looks like a heavy gauge wire. Hopefully this makes sense.

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lol, having great fun here, its just like craft class in nursery (kindergarten). Cut up and washed out a large milk carton.

Now I've found a single heart mold in plastic that is perfect as an insert, but its a single heart, so I've made up a single heart shape and its currently sitting inside the plastic mold to keep its shape a while, I've now gotta figure out how to make a half heart and attach it.

I'm intending trying the chunks first, its already prepped anyway, I'm thinking cut out as much as I can thats soft once sides have set up, then with the aid of the single plastic heart and my heatgun, try and perfect the insides :D

thanks for the other ideas, will bear them in mind if this doesn't work

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I tried it with the chunks, and it was pants!! took me ages to cut out the inside and doesn't look very nice (will take a piccie later). I tried making a template with a plastic milk carton, some bendy cardboard, and they just wouldn't hold the shape.

I'm going to try later making from cardboard from a cereal box. The problem with using things like cannistors/tins for the insert is that will be the shape of the insert, and I could end up with a tiny space for the t-lite and there won't be enough air circulating.

I just had to make one yesterday anyway, just to get the 'must make a cane today' out of my system ;) so made a square one with my normal mold and filled it with rose petals.

Came out ok, but you can't actually see the shape of the rose petals, just dark pink bits lol.

Will wait until its dark and light it see what it looks like, then post both piccies.

I seriously need to get myself a round mold with an insert too. I like the square for piccies etc, but fancy making a round one.

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I'm playing around with a single heart mold. I used an empty peanut can and it fits perfect but I don't know if it will hold up to the wax because its cardboard on the outside, foil lined on the inside. But around the top and bottom it has tin to hold the shape. It's a bit short so I'm going to hot glue some type of handles, wish me luck! If it works I'll let you know.

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