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Cream Soap instructions?


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The group is great. they will help with any problem you might have, ask me how I know that one.:laugh2: In the files you can find recipes and instruction on how to. What cream soap will look like through different stages. Bekka is great and every one is great. Even our own Marry Ann got help from Bekka. I have a few folks that love the cream soap recipe i got from there. Rose clay cream soap. It is great stuff wen you finally get your head wraped around it. Here is the link to get there. http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/CreamSoap/

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I am interested in Cream Soap too...But the last Yahoo group I joined, I was flooded with spam type emails..I might have did something wrong when I joined up, but that has always scared me away from joining any Yahoo group....I will say it was nothing to do with soap..It was a jewelry Yahoo group..

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I am interested in Cream Soap too...But the last Yahoo group I joined, I was flooded with spam type emails..I might have did something wrong when I joined up, but that has always scared me away from joining any Yahoo group....I will say it was nothing to do with soap..It was a jewelry Yahoo group..

I am a member of several Yahoo groups and I know what you mean about the mail. You can go in and edit your membership, set it to no email or just important news from moderator. Hope this helps.


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I also had to change a setting so I would not get emails everytime someone posted. And I like both CF's method and Snowdritt farms. I have had excellent results with SDF method. No separation ever so it can work. Just have to keep stickblending way past what you think is trace. It is a different consistency. For like a salve than fluffy looking. Used it to make a mechanic's soap with added pumice. Working well.

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