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EZ Soy verses EcoSoya CB advanced

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ok i currently use the EZ Soy but was wondering about the ecosoya ...

has anyone used both and can tell me which they prefer ?

ccan anyone who does use the ecosoya tell me the pro's con's about it...

TIA, Dee

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Right now I am trying EcoSoya CBA and so far it is ok but the scent throw is not as good as GW 444....I just ordered EZ soy for comparison so I will let you know....anyone else already compared these two. I too am very curious.

Dee, how is the scent throw with the Ez Soy? I love my GW 444 but recently the candles look awful you can see the "somebody help me" thread.

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i LOVE the ezsoy lol i have a awesome scent throw from the time i pour the candles until they are all gone... from what i have been reading, the eco makes the candles look prettier but it doesnt throw as good as the ez soy does... i dont want to lose my scent throw since that is what my customers rave about..

you wil love the ez soy.. i will give you a little tip, if i wait until the slushy stage to pour i get aweful lookin tops. if i preheat the jars and pour about 115 my tops are very smooth... every once in awhile i will get one that isnt very smooth.

man im bragging it up so bad i dont want to switch lmao , not to mention i get it for 42.00 for a 50 pound box

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With the EZ soy, how much does it frost if any?? That is the only thing they don't talk about at BC.

Thank you

I currently use the CBA and am not thrilled with the throw. I am just in the begining stages of testing, but so far the throw is not impressive.

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With the EZ soy, how much does it frost if any?? T
EZ Soy frosts like crazy.......... Some use beeswax and other additives to help with the frosting, but used alone.. FROST MONSTER!!! LOL~~~~~ EZ Soy is said to be GB 415. (In case you can get a closer shipper)............ You can't beat the cold and hot throw of the 415/EZ Soy.. IMO
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I agree.so far in all the soy waxes 415 throws the best! i am also in the testing stages...am testing advanced and 444 and palm. I am still impressed with how awesome the advanced looks and i have poured and cured 6 diff. scents and i have gotten great scent throw with it! I have had some advice from several here that the wax is very inconsistent..so i am still making it for myself to see when it will start(the inconsistancy).But I am going with the 444 for now. I still want to try the coconut oil,USA,and Beeswax with 415,as I have been using it straight.I just mixed 20% advanced with 80% Glass Glow to see what I will get and how it burns. I just like playing..LOL!


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i LOVE the ezsoy lol i have a awesome scent throw from the time i pour the candles until they are all gone... from what i have been reading, the eco makes the candles look prettier but it doesnt throw as good as the ez soy does... i dont want to lose my scent throw since that is what my customers rave about..

you wil love the ez soy.. i will give you a little tip, if i wait until the slushy stage to pour i get aweful lookin tops. if i preheat the jars and pour about 115 my tops are very smooth... every once in awhile i will get one that isnt very smooth.

man im bragging it up so bad i dont want to switch lmao , not to mention i get it for 42.00 for a 50 pound box

isn't it amazing the different experiences?? i have used EZsoy since the inception of my candle making. if i DON'T wait till it's thick and slushy to pour...i get aweful looking candles. and i don't warm my jars.

also, regading frosting...i very rarely, if ever get frosting....if i do it's doesn't develope till the candle gets older. i'm thiking frosting may have to do with pour temp...as it seems that candles that are poured too warm are more likely to frost on me. but, yeah....frosting is nearly non-existant with my candles.

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I agree with 3 bees...I was one to be impatient and pour at too hot of temp. and my candles were ugly.. Then one day I was making candles I just had poured cooled a little and added my FO .. A friend had stopped by and I forgot about my wax.. When I finally returned I thought oh no this is a slushy mess,, It was already white looking really slushy.. I poured it into my jars anyway and when the wax set it was the smoothest soy candle I ever made... So let the EZsoy get slushy.. I usally pour at 97 degrees,,,

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I love EZ soy but have had a heck of a time with frosting, air bublbles wet spots for the past couple months. I figure it must be the weather. I usually have smooth candles with it. Even if I have warm jars , not warm jars, clean jars, they are still frosting and not attaching to jars well at all. I wondered about crisco, will that take away the scent. Ez soy throws has a good scent throw. I use 8 oz. masons with CD 16 wicks.

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The advanced has a smooth top and nice creamy appearance but I couldn't get a very good cold or hot throw from it. It also left an ugly discoloration when the melt pool hardened. I tried many different FOs but they all left the discoloration. I have since tried EZ Soy and Cargill C-1. C-1 seems to have a nice scent throw and is a very pretty white but very bumpy. I have had the best luck with Ez Soy poured at about 100*. Hope that helps.

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It is really funny how waxes work differently for different people or in different areas. I had almost no HT with 415 (ezsoy) but a better with Ecosoya. 415 has no additives in it so I tried adding things, but still no luck. And 415 is the wax that seems to GROW cauliflower tops the worst...all soys seem to do it under the right conditions, but I had the worst luck with 415. I don't color so it's basically wax, fo and a bit of USA.

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I haven't used EcoSoya but have used EZ Soy/415 for the past year and really like the cold and hot throw but still struggle with tops and cauliflower. I have been adding 1 oz J223 but think I will try 30% next time. For all of you that have used soy/paraffin at 70/30 what temp do you pour at?

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i first warm my jars, then i pour at 115, i get nice smooth tops almost everytime when i do this... if i pour colder i get the frosting and a rough surface on the top, if i pour hotter i get the rough surface as well... this is the temp that seems to work very very well with me...

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