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OK- Now I am confused- Rustic Question

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I just looked at some of the pictures of everyone's rustics and they look nothing like mine. Mine is one color (Blue) and has like a frosted, appearence. What the heck is it if it isn't a Rustic?? I followed the instructions I had in my book. How do I get the differet colors? The uneven lines? All I used was

IGI-1239, and blue shavings. Do I add additives?

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Yours still sound rustic. There are different effects. Splashing the wax around breaks up the pattern some or you can pour in layers, straight or tilted. The more splashing often will give you more areas that are lighter. The different colors are usually made with the dyes. Adding more or less or just using some of a completely different color. Just play around and see what comes out :)

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How do I get the differet colors? The uneven lines?


look at these rustics http://www.craftserver.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=13597&d=1193936489. They were poured in layers with the mold tilted. On the solid green one, each layer is the same color except for that last layer which I darken a little more. Each layer was poured very slowly at 160* into a cool mold and gently rocked back & forth. The green & brown was done the same way but with 2 colors.

The pic you posted of the ones in the tutorial are a single pour. I rarely get the rustic that I want when doing a single pour unless the mold is almost frozen then it has too much frosting for my taste.

There are some beautiful rustics in the gallery and if you look at them closely, you'll see that they are all different because each of us has developed our own style and methods of pouring.

These red ones were done the same as the greens but with some layers tilted and some not. I just pour slow and sloshed the wax around with each layer and darkened the wax with each consecutive pour. The thing with a rustic is that it is what you make it. Just keep practicing and taking notes till you come up with what YOU like. If you can post a pic of the one you did, we might be able to give you some more pointers.


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Pam....I love the red ones. Well....the green ones are pretty cool too. And Pam is right....check out Judyvega's candles. Everyone seem to have a favorite way to hold the molds too. There are people who have special wooden device to tilt the molds (I should have one by now)....but I use damp sand in a cat box. People use beans, rice etc. Or I have just propped them up with strips of wood. You are on the the right tract for a rustic.....now you just need to step out of the box and see how beautiful you can make them. (or in some cases as we all know....how ugly (smile)...) Donita

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(or in some cases as we all know....how ugly (smile)...) Donita

I made a little rustic with some leftovers from a couple earlier pours and it was the most god-awful looking candle. A friend came to pick up her order and spotted it sitting on the kitchen counter and almost knocked me down getting to it ---- It was so ugly I wouldn't even take money for it but my friend left here very happy with her new beautiful candle!!!!...the eye of the beholder, ya know!!!

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