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Stepped outside my comfort zone today. (CPHP'ers, help!)


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and finally tried CPHP! :) I'm too chicken to do the tongue test and still have no phenopthalein (sp?) so I have a question. I'm leading up to it, so bear with me. :o OK, every tutorial I found was a bit different so I ended up melting the hard oils in a different pot, then putting the soft oils in the cold crockpot. My lye water was mixed up while the hard oils were melting. When the hard oils were melted, I put them in the cold crockpot with the cold oils then added my lye water and stickblended until I reached a nice trace. Then I turned the crockpot on high (this was out in my garage workshop which is about 40 degrees) then once it got warmed up I turned it on low and set a timer. I checked it at 15 minutes, stirred, checked in another 15, stirred(starting to look like applesauce), checked in 10 and it is definitely applesauce by this time. Stirred again and let it go for another 10. It is starting to get a smoother, shinier appearance like vaseline. I let it sit for 5 more minutes, got out my colorant and globbed a bit around in a bowl with a small portion of the unscented soap, added fragrance and stirred like crazy, then globbed the colored portion back into the uncolored portion and stirred lightly. I glopped it in my Upland log a bit at a time and slammed it down on the counter a few times in between fills. Slapped the cover on that baby and brought it in the house! Okay, does it sound like I did everything right? I'm probably just nervous because I didn't do the tongue test or test pH. Here's my question: Hypothetically, because I ran my recipe through a good calculator and I know I measured accurately.....if I didn't get the soap to neutralize completely during the cook, could I just let it cure out like CP? I mean, the heat just speeds the saponification process along, right? I probably won't even get to touch this soap for another 2-3 weeks anyway. :sad2: Thanks in advance!

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Thank you, I thought so! I am just being a nervous nelly/dork! :o It was pretty cool though, the whole CPHP process! It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. I just wanted to try something new for the New Year. I had 2 deaths in the family last year and was really depressed. It's funny how a little bit of soap can brighten your mood a bit! :) Thanks, CareBear!

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Congrats on your first batch! It looks right to me. Make sure you post a picture! Don't be afraid to do a tongue test it really is not bad at all, it is the thought of doing it that is worse than it tastes. You did everything by the book and probably won't get zapped. Soaping is addicting, fun and I know when I am down it brightens my mood especially when you use a great new fo.

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CPHP was how I started. It's really quite neat. I'd like to see a picture too.

Zap testing is really no big deal though (unless you try it on REALLY raw soap). It's like putting your tongue to the end of a little battery. No real "zap". I've had days I licked tons of soap and I still have a tongue LOL!

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Okay, I'm going to try and post pics, hope these work. I was playing with my new cutter so I had a few straight and a few wavy! :embarasse I ended up with teeny globs of chromium green oxide all throughout my soap....thought I could just smoosh the color up really well in a small portion--WRONG!! I do believe this is the fugliest soap I have ever made. BUT, it was still grand fun and I would do it again! :)



Notice all the green specks? :laugh2: Edited to add: sorry for huge pics! Fragrance, btw, is Passionfruit & Guava by Backwoods.

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Oooohhh....I was wondering how that scent would soap!

Girl....Congrats to you for trying something new! The only things I did differently on my first CPHP batch was that I melted the hot oils in the crockkpot on high....and then dumped in my hot lye water....but then I sat on a stool 2 feet away from the CP the whole time. :tiptoe: I know I mentioned being anal retentive. BUAHAHA. Oh yeah....and I got my colorant mixed in good.....I just forgot the FO. Purdiest unscented soap you ever saw. :P OK...it's HP...it looked a bit like hamburger. ROFL.

Well, I like your fugly soap....LOL...I'm sure you still have my address...just pop one in the mail for me! :laugh2:


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Great looking soaps Carebear! Now that you got that first step over with, you'll be making tons of HP soap :)

Like the other Donna, I sat on a stool in front of the crockpot the whole time when I made my first batch. And yes, hamburger meat is a good description of what they looked like, LOL!

Anyway, congrats on your first batch. We'll be expecting lots more out of ya ;)


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That's not bad at all! I've never tried HP but in pictures it strikes me as less pretty on the average than CP. I think yours came out quite good. Nice color and texture, plus you did get some marbling effect from the oxide. I like the straight cuts the best. It already has a lot of visual interest going on without the crinkles.

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