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What a week and it's only Monday


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:D Well, this was the weekend for Open Houses. I had my 4th Annual Open House and it went fairly well. Over $1200 in sales. Food cost me around $200, but it's the one party a year I throw, so it's worth it. What a ton of work though. As Michi said, you work your ass off!

Anyway my biggest sellers this year were: Snowy Pine in the frosted tumblers from Dollar Tree that I placed in one of their nesting boxes. Sold it for $12.50. And, also Brandied Pear from CS!

I had alot of $12.50 - $20.00 gift baskets that did really well. Sold about 25 clamshell tarts. I have a few things left over that I'm bringing into work tomorrow and will probably get cleaned out of them.

I couldn't tell you how many people came, but it seemed like the only thing I did all day was wrap candles & get paid.

Oh, and today, I was promoted!!! I'm the new Trust & Estates coordinator at my job. A position that was created just for me. What a good day!!!

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