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Taking Credit Cards


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Alrighty, I've tried this on other venues and just never get the responses I'm looking for. So, I know I can get it from all of you who've been so helpful in the past.

I'm looking for a credit card processor. One who can handle both my online sales as well as one that will allow me to process orders offline using an imprinter (i.e. - craft shows).

I know about ProPay which has a very reasonable joining fee, but I've heard some horrible experiences from others in regards to making sure you have your customers address that matches their credit card and it just sounds like a nightmare!

Anyone with experience with ProPay? How about other CC merchants/processors? I'd like to hear the good, bad and ugly please! Nothing is more important than getting an all-around opinion with experiences to help someone else make better informed decisions. I look forward to hearing what you've encountered and your recommendations!! :)

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I JUST started using Propay, and for the amount of business I'm likely to do it's perfect for me.

Yes, I'm sure it's a bit higher in per transaction fees, but overall, the yearly fee is reasonable, and the ease of use is good.

I just processed my first transaction through them this morning, and it does NOT require purchaser address, only their zip code. You don't even have to input the CV/CID code which surprised me.

Anyway, just thought I'd put that out there for you.

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See, Michi --

Everything I've read that's negative about ProPay is when it comes to chargebacks which seem to require that you have the person's address on file with the transaction. And also someone had mentioned that they had to require proof of transaction for 3 items and were having a heck of a time getting things sorted BECAUSE they didn't have the address or the address they had was different than the card address. I remember reading that they dont' require it, but sure give you one hell of a time when it comes to consumers saying they didn't order, etc.

Anyone else?

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I use Propay and have no problems. It is quite simple to ask the customer to see their driver's license and write down their address when you do the transaction at a show. And all you need is the zipcode to process. Cheaper than a merchant account for me since I only use it for shows.

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I use propay now with no problems. I just recently joined. To save time and save on issues that may occur, I ask for the DL of the card presenter. I then write the address and zip on the sales slip along with the CV code (I put this where it says authorization code). I then ask them to sign it and put their phone number at the bottom. To save me time and fees, I set a minimum card purchase of 14.00 so that I'm not paying more in fees than I am making. With this info I am able to fill in the information propay asks for and have extra information to ensure that I get an exact match with the zip code and/or address. That and with the CV code, if it does come back as bad, at least you can get them for theft of product if nothing else, if you have all the card information, their name and contact info. All this proves you checked to see who they were and at least tried to match them up with the card.

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I should hjave elaborated a bit more.

When I said that they don't require an address that's true bnut it does give you the option to put it AND the CRV code in and will tell you immediately if there is a complete match of everything, so no waiting until there's a chargeback to be notified of a problem.

HTH a little more.

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...To save me time and fees, I set a minimum card purchase of 14.00 so that I'm not paying more in fees than I am making. ...

Just as a FYI, watch out with this. It is against Visa/MC rules to set minimum purchases unless you do it correctly.

From http://usa.visa.com/download/merchants/rules_for_visa_merchants.pdf

...always honor valid Visa cards in your acceptance category, regardless of the dollar amount of the purchase . Imposing minimum or maximum purchase

amounts in order to accept a Visa card transaction is a violation of the Visa rules.

...always treat Visa transactions like any other transaction; that is, you may not impose any surcharge on a Visa transaction . You may, however, offer a discount for cash transactions, provided that the offer is clearly disclosed to customers and the cash price is presented as a discount from the standard price charged for all other forms of payment.

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I made the minimum because teenagers were trying to purchase a 1.00 product using a credit card. After fees were accessed, the product was almost free to them and I couldn't keep taking that loss. Many of the convience stores around here do a 5.00 minimum or if you don't do the minimum they charge you an additional 1.00 fee. I tried to report this before but was told there isn't anything that the cc company can do to control or moderate this...........hmmmm

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I use PayPal for my shopping cart and their Virtual Terminal for craft shows. All you have to input in the CC # and expiration date.

I use PayPal for my shopping cart so I wanted to use PayPal's Virtual Terminal for craft shows but the fee is $30.00 a month. I almost fell over but then the support area told me I could suspend Virtual Terminal and only activate it during the months I need it so it would only be $30.00, plus transaction fee for those months. Sounds like ProPay may be a better way to go.

I have a question for adillenal, do you just use their terminal access after your craft shows? The annual fee to have phone access in addition to terminal access is higher than just their terminal access.

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I wait until I get home from a show to enter the information into Propay. I have been doing this for about 1 year and have never had a problem. It was a flat rate for the year and then a % and $.30 or $.35 per transaction. I studied quite a bit and this was the cheapest option for me since I will not be using it much except during shows.

Also I work my shows alone and I am always busy and would not have time to call in information. Maybe I have just been lucky but then I factor in a possible bad CC into my business expense.

I have had other vendors griping about how much it costs a month for their CC service and I agree that a monthly fee would not work for me.

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I agree with candybee. Shop around. I almost went with my bank before I knew there were other options and their fees are monthly and higher than what I paid.

But I feel I have to take credit cards since there are many people that do not carry cash even at a show.

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  • 1 month later...

GREAT info ladies! So you can use Propay in the place of (and in the same way as) a service like Paypals Virtual Terminal...which is WAY too expensive?

Mt Annie


I wait until I get home from a show to enter the information into Propay. I have been doing this for about 1 year and have never had a problem. It was a flat rate for the year and then a % and $.30 or $.35 per transaction. I studied quite a bit and this was the cheapest option for me since I will not be using it much except during shows.

Also I work my shows alone and I am always busy and would not have time to call in information. Maybe I have just been lucky but then I factor in a possible bad CC into my business expense.

I have had other vendors griping about how much it costs a month for their CC service and I agree that a monthly fee would not work for me.

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A fellow vendor at a fair this fall mentioned to me that it is illegal to write down someone's CSV code - has anyone heard of this to know if it is true? She had mentioned that you aren't supposed to write it down if you have the card in your hand b/c you could then use the card for your own purchase.

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I use paypal, for both online and stores. The monthly fee of 30 is deductible. I do not need anybodys address. I can fill in the cvs if I want, heck I don't even need their name. I put it in to keep myself straight. I love it as I can download all my transactions into quickbooks. I have had one person try to do a chargeback. I always put in what they bought and when they filed for the chargeback I wrote what they bought and where they were when they bought it. Then they remembered. I guess they just didn't get it with y business name.

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A fellow vendor at a fair this fall mentioned to me that it is illegal to write down someone's CSV code - has anyone heard of this to know if it is true? She had mentioned that you aren't supposed to write it down if you have the card in your hand b/c you could then use the card for your own purchase.

Not sure about that...but if someone was evil enough to do such a thing...in most cases...they would not even need a CV#....so I do not think that makes too much difference. I know that VERY few ppl ask for that number when I use my own credit cards....even online.

Discover cards are mainly the ones that have to collect that #. Visa/Mc hardly ever do. Not sure about American Express.

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A fellow vendor at a fair this fall mentioned to me that it is illegal to write down someone's CSV code - has anyone heard of this to know if it is true? She had mentioned that you aren't supposed to write it down if you have the card in your hand b/c you could then use the card for your own purchase.

No...this is completely untrue. I work at a bank and I can tell you for 100% truth...this is completely wrong. The code is meant for merchants...and if you are a legit/legal merchant, than you have every legal right to that number...infact most merchants need that number to process the card. The reason for that number is to prove that the person actually has the card present...it is a liability if not.

Anyone in this world can get those #'s...that is how fraud occurs...that is why it is imperative that you, the card holder, know who you are giving your # to...do not just give it to anyone. Also...IF something was to happen...your credit card company should have zero liability coverage...meaning you are not liable for any unauthorized charges on your card. Everyone should ask their CC company what their policy is...and if it isn't zero liability...then it is time to change credit card companies.

Giving out that # is no different than paying your bills by check, writing a ck to a friend, family member...you name it...ALL of your account details, including where you live are on those cks...for anyone to see.

So if anyone was going to de-fraud you...they will find away no matter what you do.

Hope that helps.

PS. Plus...if it was illegal...they wouldn't put the number there in the 1st place :)

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Thanks much. Looks like a good site for supplies. :)

What info exactly do you ladies (and gents) have put on your metal plate that screws onto the sliders? I know that folks with a merchant acct will have their merchant # on their plate as well as their name and address.

If using say...propay..would I need any sort of number on the plate itself?

Also, Do you have them make the plate with your entire address or just name, city, state?

Mt Annie


I got mine from www.pospaper.com. HTH!
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